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Southold I{eritage <br />Foundationl Inc. <br />620 hrest I,lashington Ave. <br />South Bend, Indiana 4660I <br />flc.,-rr!,rr.,, t,,, ::r. tl,.-t,lV <br />WaShinotr.,{r. f C i-022i <br />Person to Contact:' , <br />t--- ' D-rr^t ': "-- - - <br />TejPP!,o?e- Nurrlbe '' <br />-l/L-',i vu----- I <br />Rclrr Pcpi',, 1c: <br />E:EO:T:R:2-6 <br />D?tc-. <br />Bgt z 2 1e7s <br />Dear Applicant: <br />. \Ie have considered your application for recognition of exempr. <br />status from Federal income tax as an organization described in section <br />50I(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Cod.e. <br />The information presented indicates that you vrere incorporated on <br />July ll, r974, under the non-profit corporation laros of rndiana for <br />charitable and educational purposes. In furtherance of these purposes <br />you o\.7n, pf€sBrV€l redeverop, improve, renovate, and maintain sites and <br />stuctures of historical, architectural.and educational si-gnificance in <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana. Your activities are primarily cond.ucted in <br />the hlest tr'lashington Historic Distri'ct in South Bend. This district is <br />listed on the National Register for llistoric places. rn carryi_ng our <br />your purposes a substantial parL of your activities consist of either <br />the acquisition and resale of historically significant properties, or <br />the maki-ng of loans to owners of s,rch propertiqs. other activities, <br />carried out in the same manner, consist of combatting conmunity deteriora- <br />rion by engaging in redevelopment and renovation of deteriorat;d housing. <br />Your loans are of two varieties, either short term roans of one <br />year or less, or long term loans. some of the funds for these loans <br />come from Cornmunllt Development grants which stipulate the incerest rate <br />to be charged, based on income and family size. other loans are from <br />funds you have received from a variety of sources. These loans are <br />offered a! a rate of interest which is one percent below the currenr <br />prime rate. <br />Where you acquire historic structures you either rehabilitate and <br />restore then yourself before you sell thern or else sell them with the <br />agreement that the buyer will rehabilitate and restore the strucrures. <br />I{hether you either buy the sEructure and resell it, or make a loan <br />to owners of a structure in order for them to restore it, you place <br />restrictive covenants or faeade easements in the title to the properry. <br />These require that there be no alteration, demolition, addition, or <br />other structural change to the structure, nor any change in ma;erials <br />used on the surface, and that no ne\r or different buildings or improve- <br />ments be constructed on the property. You additionally require that in <br />.the event the purchaser wishes to dispose of the property you be given a <br />right of first refusal. I^Ihere Federal funds are used the general public <br />wj-11 be given access in accordance with existing Federal regulations.