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-sss!i9tr2.3 q9n . The manner of theadoptioh of an" ,ol. by which theywere adopted constitute fu| f"-;;i;t'*p].i"rr"e the provis j.ons <br />8:Jl:.l;ot;.tn" Articles or r""-"ip".-"i-i"r, and tne uyraws of the <br />rN wrrNEss WHEREoF, the uldersigned officer executes these <br />*:::::i.,,Lt T:"Si::,-t" :j _t.h? ;ili;i:s' or rncorporation of thecorporation, and verifieJ subject t" irrl ;+"i'i:""'"":;;:;;rr"J Jl; <br />l|8r1"".s contained herein are true, this W;;;'ir"7/t-fu-bo" , <br />Its: presldent <br />This instrumen!_yag prepared_Jry Eugenia s--schwartz, Attorney atLa!'t, NTCKLE & prAsEcKr , 2o5 w.-.l"iiei""" Blvd., suite 600, southBend, Indiana, 4G601 <br />ofrpegjpry that <br />d'/t a. <br />william A. werstreimefG