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. of its charitable purpose by promoting low-income and <br />affordable housing and by providing decent housing that <br />is affordable to low-income and moderate-income persons, <br />thus minimizing displacement and gentrification whj-ch <br />often accompany the revi-talization of historic areas and <br />districts. <br />SECTION t.4: The exact text of Article Vf, Section L, of the <br />Articles, as amended, supersedes and takes the place of the <br />previously exist j-ng Sect j-on 1 of Article VI and is now as f ollows: <br />Section L.Number of Directors: Ouorum. The Board of <br />Directors shall be composed of no fewer than <br />nine ( 9 ) and no more than thirty ( 30 ) <br />d.irectors; provided, however, that the exact <br />number of the directors shall be prescribed <br />from time to time in the bylaws of the <br />Corporation and provided further that under no <br />circumstances shall the minimum number be less <br />than three ( 3 ) . At any meeting of the Board <br />of Directors, the presence of one-third of the <br />total number of directors, but in no ease less <br />than two (2), shall constitute a quorum for <br />the transaction of any business. <br />SECTION 1.5: Article VI, Section 'l, sha1l be deleted in its <br />entirety. <br />ARTICTE IT <br />Manner of Adoption and Vote <br />Section 2.1. Action bv Directors. The Board of Directors of the <br />Corporation duly adopted a resolution proposing to amend the terms <br />and provisions of Articles II.A, fI.D, VI.1 and VI.Z of the <br />Articles of Incorporation and directing a meeting of the members, <br />to be held on February 25, 1993, allowing such members to vote on <br />the proposed amendment. The resolution was adopted by a vote of <br />the Board of Directors at a meeting held on February 25, 1993, dt <br />which a quorum of such Board was present. <br />Section 2.2. Action bv Members. The members of the Corporation <br />entitled to vote in respect to the Articles of Amendment adopted <br />the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment was adopted by a <br />vote of such members during the meeting called by the Board of <br />Directors. The result of such vote is as follows: <br />}{EMBERS ENTITLED TO VOTE: <br />MEI'{BERS VOTED TN FAVOR: <br />}IEMBERS VOTED AGAINST: <br />24 <br />0