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Sec. 17-32. Wastewater Analysis; Sampling . <br /> (a) All measurements, tests, and analyses of the <br /> characteristics of water and wastes under this Article shall be <br /> in accord with the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the <br /> Examination of Water and Wastewater" , published by the American Public <br /> Health Association, or "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and <br /> Wastes", published by the EPA, and shall be determined at the <br /> control manhole provided, or upon suitable samples taken at the control <br /> manhole, or where no control manhole has been required, at the nearest <br /> downstream manhole in the public sewer to which the building sewer is <br /> connected . <br /> (b) Sampling procedures shall be in accord with standards <br /> and methods established by the U.S. EPA and in accord with the <br /> requirements set forth in any applicable discharge permit. <br /> ( c) In order to ensure compliance with the terms and <br /> conditions of this Article, the Bureau of Wastewater shall establish a <br /> sampling and inspection program to provide wastewater discharge <br /> information independent of that which is supplied by the discharger. <br /> Sec. 17-33. Nonresidential Discharge Requirements. <br /> (a) Limitations on Wastewater Strength. <br /> ( 1) National Categorical Pretreatment Standards as <br /> promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shall be <br /> met by all affected nonresidential waste dischargers . An application <br /> for modification of the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards may <br /> be considered by the Board of Wastewater Commissioners when the <br /> wastewater treatment plant achieves consistent removal of the <br /> pollutants described in Article 17-25 herein. <br /> ( 2) State and local requirements and limitations on <br /> discharges shall be met by all dischargers when such requirements and <br /> limitations are more stringent than Federal requirements and <br /> limitations. <br /> ( 3) No discharger shall use potable water to dilute a <br /> discharge as a substitute for adequate treatment of prohibited <br /> substances to achieve compliance with the standards set forth in this <br /> Ordinance. <br /> ( 4) Under no circumstances shall a discharger release <br /> water or waste containing concentrations of the following substances in <br /> amounts exceeding the stated values : <br /> Parameter 1-day-maximum 4-day average <br /> Arsenic 1. 0 0. 2 <br /> Cadmium 2.7 1. 2 <br /> Copper 5. 0 3. 5 <br /> Cyanide 1.5 0. 5 <br /> Lead 2.0 0.8 <br /> Mercury 0. 1 0. 005 <br /> Nickel 5. 0 2.5 <br /> Total Chromium 7. 5 5. 0 <br /> Zinc 10. 0 6. 0 <br /> „ sl ,, <br />