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(n) Any other substance, material , water or waste determined <br /> by the Board of Wastewater Commissioners to be harmful to either the <br /> sewers or wastewater treatment process or equipment, to have an adverse <br /> effect on the receiving stream, or to be capable of otherwise <br /> endangering life , limb , or property, or to constitute a nuisance . Such <br /> determination by the Board shall be made only after written notice to <br /> affected dischargers. <br /> Sec. 17-26. Discharges into Sanitary Sewer Prohibited . <br /> No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm <br /> water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage , <br /> uncontaminated cooling water, or otherwise unpolluted waters to any <br /> sanitary sewer. <br /> Sec. 17-27. Discharges of Storm Water and Unpolluted <br /> Drainage . <br /> Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be <br /> discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined <br /> sewers or storm sewers . A natural outlet may be used if approved by <br /> the City Engineer. Uncontaminated industrial cooling water may be <br /> discharged, on approval of the City Engineer, to a storm sewer, <br /> combined sewer, or natural outlet. <br /> Sec. 17-28. Emergency Suspension of Service . <br /> The Board of Wastewater Commissioners may for good cause <br /> shown suspend the wastewater treatment service of any discharger when <br /> an actual or threatened discharge presents or may present an imminent <br /> or substantial danger to the health or welfare of persons, substantial <br /> danger to the environment, or interfere with the operations of the <br /> treatment plant. Any discharger notified of the suspension of <br /> treatment service shall cease all discharges to the sewer system. In <br /> the event the failure of any discharger to comply voluntarily with the <br /> suspension order within the specified time, the Board of Wastewater <br /> Commissioners shall commence judicial proceedings immediately <br /> thereafter to compel the discharger' s compliance with the order. <br /> Sec. 17-29. Interceptors required. <br /> (a) Interceptors shall be provided by the discharger as <br /> necessary for the removal of grease , flammable wastes, sand, or other <br /> harmful substances. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity <br /> approved by the Board or its designee, and shall be readily accessible <br /> for cleaning and inspection. <br /> (b) The owner and/or operator of interceptor equipment shall <br /> be required to maintain certified records as to time and date of <br /> cleaning and inspection. <br /> Sec. 17-30. Maintenance of Treatment Equipment by Discharger. <br /> When a discharger is required to provide preliminary <br /> treatment, including interceptors or flow equalization facilities, such <br /> equipment shall be maintained by the discharger in satisfactory <br /> operating condition as determined by the Board of Wastewater <br /> Commissioners or its designee . <br /> Sec. 17-31. Control manhole . <br /> When required by the Board of Wastewater Commissioners, the <br /> owner or lessee of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying <br /> nondomestic wastes shall install a control manhole , together with <br /> mGfPre Ana other aonurtenances. to facilitate observation, sampling, <br />