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~~~.~ <br />.~~ <br />~~-- ~ ~ ~~ a°~= .... ~~~-~.. ~ - - EXHIBIT A <br />• <br />Second Addendum to Lease Between <br />the South Bend Redevelopment Authority, as Lessor, <br />and the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, as Lessee <br />(College Football Hall of Fame/Century Center Project) <br />THIS ADDENDUM, made and entered into as of this _ <br />day of June, 1994, by and between the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Authority, a body corporate and politic organized and existing <br />under Indiana Code 36-7-14.5 (hereinafter with its successors and <br />assigns referred to as the "Authority"), and the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission, the governing body of the South Bend <br />Department of Redevelopment and the Redevelopment District of <br />South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter called the "Lessee"), <br />WITNESSETH: <br />In consideration of the mutual covenants herein <br />contained, it is agreed that the lease previously entered into <br />between said parties as of the first day of November, 1993, and <br />the Addendum to Lease between the said parties as of the 3rd day <br />of June, 1994 (collectively referred to as the "Lease"), shall be <br />amended as follows: <br />1. The following definitions in Section 1 of the <br />Lease are amended to read as follows: <br />"Century Center Bonds" means the bonds issued to <br />finance the Century Center Portion of the Project. <br />"Credit Facility" means that credit facility as <br />defined in the Trust Indenture. <br />"Credit Facility Agreement" means that credit <br />facility agreement as defined in the Trust Indenture. <br />CJ <br />