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Airport-Moss Annexation Area 13 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 38 North, Range 2 <br />East, German Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, being more particularly described as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the intersection of (1) the east line extended of Parcel II, as described in Deed <br />Record #0838215 in the office of the St. Joseph County Recorder, which is also the centerline <br />of the former Kensington Avenue, as shown on the recorded plat of Ira V. Carpenter’s <br />Subdivision as recorded in Book 16, Page C, and (2) the north right of way line of old <br />Lincolnway West; thence south along said east line extended and said centerline 318.90’ to <br />the southeast corner of said Parcel II, which is also on the west line of land described in Deed <br />Record 1707578; thence West 346.5 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel II and the <br />centerline of Moss Road, as shown on said Ira V. Carpenter’s Subdivision, and the east line of <br />land described in Deed Record #104981; thence North along said centerline and said east <br />line and said east line extended a distance of 430.10 feet to said north right of way line of old <br />Lincolnway West; thence Southeast along said north right of way line a distance of 389.86 <br />feet to the point of beginning of this description. Containing 2.93 acres, more or less. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />