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Airport-Moss Annexation Area 7 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />B. Police Department <br /> <br />The Annexation Area would be added to the existing Beat 24. Police patrols and emergency <br />responses will be part of the services the City will offer to this area. This proposed annexation <br />would require officers to cover a relatively small additional area on this beat. <br /> <br />At this time, it is not expected that this annexation would cause calls for service to increase <br />significantly, and it is not anticipated that it will be necessary to increase police patrols beyond <br />the existing beat patrol. The addition of this Annexation Area will not significantly increase <br />response time. <br /> <br />The cost of servicing the proposed area is not expected to impact the existing budget of the <br />Police Department with any significance. The patrol costs would be assumed by the Police <br />Department budget. However, this area, as well as all other areas of the City, will continually <br />be monitored for level of service demands and other criteria that would necessitate additional <br />resources through budgetary increases or possible shifting of existing resources, such as a <br />beat restructure. <br /> <br />Police services and response time in this area can be expected to be comparable with that <br />found in all other areas of the City. Police coverage to this area could begin immediately upon <br />annexation. <br /> <br />Note: The cost of service for this Annexation Area is based on the number of parcels. <br />Household information is provided for comparative purposes. <br /> <br />2022 Actual Budget Report for the Department: <br /> <br />Expenditures (including pension cost): $48,612,569 <br />Number of Households in City (2022): @41,488 <br />Cost per Household: @$1,172 <br />Number of Parcels in City (2023): @47,600 <br />Cost per Parcel: @$1,021 <br />Proposed Number of Households in Area: 0 <br />Proposed Number of Parcels in Area: 1 <br />Cost for Annexation Area per year: $1,021 (1 parcel x $1,021 / parcel) <br />