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United States Department of the Interior <br />National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form <br />NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 <br />Edgewater Place Historic District Saint Joseph County, IN <br />Name of Property County and State <br />Section 7 page 21 <br /> <br />porch is located in the northwest corner of the house. It has a molded concrete block foundation <br />and wood floor with concrete steps that face the street. The entry door, in the north wall of the <br />west-facing leg of the T-plan, is missing due to a current remodeling campaign. The front-facing <br />gabled section features a row of four 3/1 Craftsman windows in the first story and a large 1/1 <br />window in the second story. <br /> <br />The earliest-known resident of the house was William Harper who established Harper’s Court, <br />the early plat recorded for the property in the south part of the district. The house is located on <br />lot 6 of Harper’s Court. Harper sold it and other lots to Samuel Robinson in 1894 for $5000. <br />John Harbou, active in city government who had been elected auditor, purchased the home by <br />the early 1900s and lived here until 1918.19 <br /> <br />740 Bronson Street., T-plan, c. 1910, Non-contributing <br />Left side of photo 21 <br />Garage, Non-contributing <br /> <br /> <br />Bronson Street, north side going west <br /> <br />805 Bronson Street. Heick House, Free Classic, 1912, Contributing <br />Right side/background of photo 12; right side of photo 21 <br /> <br />801 Bronson Street., Free Classic, 1912, Contributing <br />Left side/background of photo 12 <br />Garage, Non-contributing <br /> <br />735 Bronson Street. Harper House, T-plan, 1892, Non-contributing <br />Garage, Contributing <br /> <br />733 Bronson Street. T-plan, 1892, Contributing <br />Garage, Contributing <br /> <br /> <br />Arch Avenue, south side going east <br /> <br />710 Arch Avenue. Greene House, Four Square, 1922, Contributing <br />Whitcomb & Keller, builders <br />Right side of photo 22 <br /> <br />714 Arch Avenue. Anderson House, Four Square, 1923, Contributing <br />Whitcomb & Keller, builders <br />Middle of photo 22 <br /> <br />19 South Bend HPC Survey Card, 1985