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2. CONTROL OF INVESTIGATIONS-The control of the investigation, as determined <br /> by the type of investigation, is as follows: <br /> a. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS-The control of the criminal investigation <br /> into the involved officer's conduct during the incident will be determined by the <br /> employing agency's protocol and through this MOU. <br /> i. Investigators from surrounding agencies will be assigned to work on the <br /> criminal investigation of officer-involved shootings and deaths. One <br /> uninvolved agency shall be the lead investigating agency and will provide <br /> a lead investigator and lead evidence technician. The lead agency shall be <br /> responsible for collection and proper chain of custody of all evidence. The <br /> assigned investigators will be referred to herein as the joint criminal <br /> investigation team. This may(based on agency personnel issues) include <br /> at least one investigator from the agency that employs the involved officer, <br /> however all measures should be taken to ensure this does not occur. <br /> NOTE: if a SBPD officer is involved,then the joint criminal <br /> investigation team would consist of SJCPD and MPD;SJCPD involved <br /> then MPD and SBPD would investigate; if MPD involved, then SJCPD <br /> and SBPD would investigate. <br /> ii. The criminal investigation will be handled according to the Criminal <br /> Investigation section of this MOU. <br /> b. ADMINISTRATIVE AND CIVIL INVESTIGATION-Regardless of where <br /> the incident occurs,the administrative and civil investigation of each involved <br /> officer is controlled by the respective employing agency. <br /> 3. INVESTIGATION PROCESS-The following are the standard procedures used in the <br /> investigation of an officer-involved shooting or death: <br /> a. UNINVOLVED OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES-Upon arrival at the scene of <br /> an officer-involved shooting or death, the first uninvolved officer will be the <br /> officer-in-charge and will assume the responsibilities of a supervisor until <br /> properly relieved by the lead agency. This officer should,as appropriate: <br /> i. Secure the scene and identify and eliminate hazards for all those involved. <br /> ii. Check for injured persons and evacuate as needed. <br /> iii. Take reasonable steps to obtain emergency medical attention for injured <br /> individuals. <br /> iv. Request additional resources from their department or other agencies. <br /> v. Coordinate a perimeter or pursuit of suspects. <br /> vi. Brief the lead agency upon arrival. <br /> b. DEPARTMENT/SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES-Upon arrival at the <br /> scene, the first uninvolved supervisor should ensure completion of the duties as <br /> outlined above,plus: <br /> i. Attempt to obtain a brief overview of the situation from any uninvolved <br /> officers. <br /> 1. If there are no uninvolved officers who can supply adequate <br /> overview, the supervisor should attempt to obtain a brief voluntary <br /> overview from one involved officer. <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br />