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31SOUTH BEND, INDIANA GSC <br />Our understanding is that the City and American Structurepoint intend to submit for IDEM approval <br />this fall and obtain permit approval by the end of the year. Since the project design is currently at <br />about 75% complete, Kokosing can begin the budgeting process soon after project award. Our goal <br />would be to have the GMP budget established this fall, and begin the procurement process for long <br />lead equipment this year, in preparation for construction mobilization in the spring of 2024. <br />WWTP EQ Basin Construction Approach <br />Construction mobilization for the EQ Basin and associated structures would begin in the spring <br />of 2024. This will allow ample time to finish design, obtain permits, establish the GMP budget, <br />and procure materials needed to start construction. The first construction activities will be site <br />mobilization, setup, SWPPP installation, and the establishment of temporary power. Kokosing will <br />work with the City and local power company to determine the site needs for dewatering, pumping, <br />and construction activities. Getting power, even on a temporary basis to the work area, is likely to <br />take months to achieve. Information on anticipated pump and construction loads will be required to <br />engineer the temporary service. It is possible the permanent transformer could be available prior to <br />the start of construction, but Kokosing and the City will need to work collaboratively with the electrical <br />utility to see what options could be available for this installation. Due to the amount of dewatering <br />that will be required onsite, much planning, engineering, and prep work will be required to prepare the <br />site after mobilization. <br />Site clearing, tree removal, and the removal of the existing asphalt path will occur after site mobilization has been completed. Once dewatering activity has started and the ground water levels are down to the required level for construction activity, we will begin installing the new 48” interceptor line. This line will need to be completed and tied into the existing system to allow flows to be re-directed around the new EQ Basin prior to removing the existing sanitary lines from service. This work is required to allow the excavation work for the new EQ basin and pump station to begin. <br />The EQ Basin and pump station construction will start after the interceptor line has been placed <br />into operation. This allows us to focus on the construction of these structures and the new control <br />building while keeping the existing 96” CSO line and outfall structure in service. Our goal with this is <br />to reduce the amount of time CSO bypassing will be required on the project. During the construction <br />of the EQ Basin and pump station, we will install structures 6 and 7. These structures will be <br />necessary to setup the CSO bypass pumping system prior to the demolition of the existing piping/ <br />outfall structures. During this time, we will also relocate the existing 16” DIP waterline around the <br />location of the structures. Once the waterline has been relocated and structures 6 and 7 are installed, <br />we begin setting up the CSO bypass system in preparation to remove the existing outfall structure <br />and piping from service. <br />With the existing CSO piping and outfall structures removed and CSO bypass system operation, <br />construction of the new diversion structure, overflow structure, and associated underground piping <br />can begin. Once these structures are installed and all underground piping is complete, we will be in a <br />position to begin testing on the new system in preparation to remove bypass pumping and dewatering <br />onsite. <br />Based on lead times we have experienced on similar projects, we anticipate the electrical gear and <br />generator for the new EQ Basin system will not be available until early 2025. This is subject to change <br />contingent manufacturer availability and product selection, but these are critical components to the <br />startup and operational process for the new equipment. Our goal with our sequence of construction <br />is to get the majority of the new infrastructure installed prior to the arrival of these items. <br />Final commissioning, testing, and system operation will occur in the fall of 2025, ahead of the City’s Long-Term Control Plan deadline of December 2025.