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29SOUTH BEND, INDIANA GSC <br />Terre Haute, IN New Main Lift Station and HRT Phase 2 <br />This $52 million-dollar project was intended to construct a new lift station to replace the existing lift <br />station, construct a new high rate clarification system to expand existing capacity, install a new force <br />main to connect the new facilities to the existing WWTP, re-route an existing sewer, and construct <br />a new parallel interceptor sewer. A 40+ foot deep excavation was required to install the new lift <br />station and a major dewatering system had to be installed to perform the work. Unfortunately, mid- <br />construction, contaminated soils were encountered and progress on the project was stopped. The <br />mitigation efforts required to continue the project became cost <br />prohibitive for the City and the construction of the lift station and <br />high rate treatment facility could not be completed. Kokosing had <br />already completed the majority of the submittals and procurement <br />of various equipment, structures, piping, etc., all of which was <br />ultimately turned over to the client. Portions of the project were still <br />completed, but the lift station and high rate treatment facility scopes <br />of work were removed from the project and postponed until further <br />notice. Although this project could not be completed, the dewatering <br />and excavation work completed prior to encountering contaminated <br />soils shows that we have the necessary experience to setup large <br />dewatering systems and perform deep excavations. <br />C. PROJECT APPROACH, CHALLENGES, AND RISKS <br />Construction projects of this scope require a firm understanding of the potential risks and challenges <br />that can or will be encountered during the project. The technical requirements of forming a structure <br />or installing a pump can be straight forward in and of themselves. Existing conditions, site constraints, <br />and maintaining process flows to the plant are what elevate this project from ordinary to tough. The <br />following are conditions that will need a well-developed plan and strong management to make this <br />project successful. <br />Material Procurement and Lead Time Mitigation. The affects of supply chain disruption are still being encountered in today’s marketplace. Although some materials have stabilized, longer than expected lead times for certain materials and equipment are still a reality and proper planning is necessary to mitigate the affects these issues can have on a project. Electrical gear, generators, VFD’s, and some control/integration components may have lead times ranging from 6 months to over 1 year, depending on the components selected and availability in the marketplace. The same can be true for certain makes and models of pumps, valves, and some sizes of ductile iron piping. Kokosing’s approach to managing this starts at the beginning of the project, during the pre-construction and budgeting phase. While putting together the preliminary schedule, we will identify those components that may have longer than anticipated procurement times and could impact the project schedule. We schedule the project with the end in mind, working backwards to identify milestone dates that must be maintained to keep the project on time. Multiple material and equipment vendors are solicited during the GMP budgeting phase of the project, and all are evaluated on not only price, but quality, availability, and lead time. Comparing all of these factors allows you, the Owner, the select the products that provide the “best value” for your project. <br />Dewatering. We understand that dewatering will be one of the necessary challenges to complete this project successfully. Due to the depth of most of the structures on this project, a well-engineered dewatering system will need to be installed and maintained through the duration of underground work. Kokosing approaches dewatering by involving experts that have the knowledge and resources to do this correctly. During the pre-construction and GMP budgeting phase of the project, we will request multiple dewatering companies evaluate the project and provide a proposal to control the groundwater. We will work with the dewatering subcontractor to identify durations and possibly a phased approach that would provide economic value to the project budget. Possible impacts to