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28SOUTH BEND, INDIANA GSC <br />Aqua Indiana, Western Hancock Utilities, WWTP Capacity Expansion Project Phases II and III <br />This $11.4 million-dollar Design-Build project involved expanding the existing WWTP from 0.5MGD to 1 MGD. The scope of work included a new headworks building, 3-ring oxidation ditch structure, 65-foot diameter secondary clarifier, a 4,800 SF Solids Processing and Maintenance Building, and significant upgrades to electrical infrastructure and SCADA Integration. This project started when supply chain disruptions were at their peak. Pat and Kokosing’s design team worked with the Owner to come up with constructible designs and solutions to industry problems that kept construction moving forward. Bypass pumping had to be utilized at times during the project to maintain existing plant flows while new systems were connected and brought online. This project has become a prime example of how Owner, Engineer, and Contractor collaboration can bring successful results to tough industry issues that are not always within the control of the project team. <br />Fort Wayne, IN CSO 032 and 3rd Street Pump Station Consolidation Project <br />This $8.5 million-dollar consolidation sewer CSO project involved <br />constructing a double-barreled chamber below the St. Mary’s River <br />to connect the 3rd Street Pump Station overflow to the City’s CSO <br />conveyance tunnel drop shaft. The new piping had to be installed <br />across the bottom of the river by open cut method installation, <br />requiring sheeting and dewatering to maintain river flows around the <br />construction area during the installation. This challenging installation <br />required much coordination with the DNR and City to maintain river <br />access while portions of the river were blocked off for construction. <br />Chuck played a key role in managing Kokosing’s crews, materials, <br />and equipment to bring the project to completion. <br />Warsaw, IN Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project <br />This $25.7 million-dollar design-bid-build project involved multiple upgrades to the existing plant to <br />increase plant capacity and modify existing systems. Kokosing acted as the general contractor <br />and self-performed multiple scopes of work on the project including concrete, underground piping, <br />sitework, process piping, and equipment installation. The general scope of work on this project <br />involved the installation of new grit removal tanks, new primary <br />clarifiers and control buildings, new anaerobic selector tanks, a <br />new final clarifier and sludge pump building, new RAS and WAS <br />pumps, new UV disinfection systems, and new sludge dewatering <br />equipment. Work further included modifications to the existing <br />oxidation ditches, final clarifiers, existing anerobic digesters and <br />sludge holding tanks, as well as various site improvements, HVAC, <br />electrical, and instrumentation upgrades. Chuck acted as the primary <br />Project Engineer onsite and was involved in managing the technical <br />aspects of the project to ensure our crews had the information and <br />resources they needed to be successful. <br />Pat Johnston, Superintendent, brings over 40 years of construction experience, almost all of which <br />has been in the water and wastewater industry. Pat started his career as a pipefitter before stepping <br />into the Superintendent role, and has held many supervisory and management field positions over <br />his career. Pat will be responsible for managing all of Kokosing’s field crews and subcontractors to <br />ensure a safe and efficient construction project. His management style puts him in the field with the <br />crews to ensure details are properly followed and not overlooked. Below are some of the projects Pat <br />has completed with Kokosing.