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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Council's on July 23. When the Council <br />reviewed its resolution, there were <br />amendments from the floor that added two <br />concepts to the resolution: the first was to set <br />a life for the expansion area of not more than <br />thirty years and, secondly, that the first <br />priorities for Airport Economic Development <br />Area funding will remain LaSalle Square, in <br />an amount not less than $2.SM, and <br />Studebaker Corridor, including the <br />nanotechnology MIND project. He <br />suggested the Commission resolution be <br />changed to add the following paragraph: <br />"This resolution is intended to be consistent <br />with the resolution of the South Bend <br />Common Council approved June 23, 2008, <br />expanding the boundaries of the Airport <br />Economic Development Area, expanding the <br />allocation area for purposes of tax increment <br />financing, and amending the Airport <br />Economic Development Area Development <br />Plan, and to the extent that this resolution is <br />inconsistent with the Council resolution, the <br />Council resolution shall control and the <br />Commission resolution shall be considered <br />amended to make the Commission resolution <br />and Council resolution consistent in their <br />terms and conditions. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Downes and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission authorized Substitute <br />Resolution No. 2456 adding the paragraph <br />listed above as the subject of the Public <br />Hearing. <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED SUBSTITUTE <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2456 ADDING THE PARAGRAPH <br />LISTED ABOVE AS THE SUBJECT OF THE PUBLIC <br />HEARING <br />6 <br />