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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />maybe this is a different organization up <br />here. I don't know, but that's the way we <br />operated. First of all, you go to the people, <br />then to the organization. You guys are <br />appointed, all of you are appointed, right? <br />Not elected. First of all, things change when <br />you are elected. <br />Anyway, another question I have been asked, <br />what is it about you have meetings at 10:00 <br />in the morning when the working man can't <br />be here? Only retirees. I left my job, I had a <br />thing that I had to do, but I left to be here to <br />this meeting because I feel like this is <br />necessary. I'd say most of these people here <br />feel the same way. And, when people are <br />loosing their homes, they can't afford to pay <br />their taxes, our rates...I just talked to <br />Rayfield Mortgage, I left on an answering <br />machine, and he is asking for us to get into <br />another taxation. We are going to have to go <br />to another ways of spending money or <br />getting money to get money from the public. <br />Another tax onus. The State government <br />says we don't have to pay property taxes and <br />how does it work, and then our local <br />government comes back and says, "You pay <br />these taxes.: The TIF zone, and I've argued <br />with people in Mishawaka, I don't know if <br />they may have advertised, but I was out of <br />town so I don't know whether they did or <br />not, but what I am saying is, I'm not so sure, <br />as the lady pointed out, I agree with every <br />speaker we had up here at this point. I agree <br />with everything they had to say. Folks, you <br />need to take a hard look at this because every <br />26 <br />