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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -June 25, 2008 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(1) continued... <br />Portage Prairie never starts to live. I believe <br />it's an economic truth that the market will <br />simply bear only so much. So, either you're <br />going to kill University Park with this, or <br />you're not going to succeed at all. One or the <br />other has to happen. So, my question is it <br />really going to generate all these revenues? <br />And, finally, if it did, how do we live with <br />the fact that those monies have to be diverted <br />into infrastructure and cannot be used for the <br />general fund when all the units of <br />government are screaming that they need <br />more funds: our schools need them, our <br />libraries need them, our county needs them <br />for criminal justice, our city needs them. <br />None of those monies, of course can go <br />there; and on top of it, as other people have <br />already noted, while the TIF monies can be <br />used for the infrastructure, the roads, the <br />landscaping, the fountains, you've got to ask <br />how many fountains you can build before <br />you've just got money sitting there that you <br />sure wish you could use for the police and <br />the fire and the EMS, because someone's got <br />to provide the fire, police and EMS, and <br />that's going to be the city, and, therefore, the <br />taxpayers. I don't know where Mayor <br />Luecke was getting that Monday night when <br />he said, "Oh, yeah, at any point you can <br />release your TIF funds into the general funds <br />of all of the taxing units." If that was true, <br />why on earth didn't Mishawaka do it all <br />these last ten, fifteen years when they've <br />been struggling with the same issue? My <br />understanding is that Mishawaka was <br />desperately searching for ways to get police, <br />22 <br />