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BID TABULATION2021 SMALL DRAINAGE IMP BID B ‐ BEALE CHAPIN STProject No: 121‐006B2021 Small Drainage Improvements Bid B ‐ Beale & Chapin StDivision 1 ‐ Beale StreetItem No. Line ItemQuantity UnitUnit Price CostUnit PriceCostUnit PriceCostUnit PriceCost1Construction Engineering And Staking1   LS 1,500.00$        1,500.00$                5,000.00$                5,000.00$                4,485.00$   4,485.00$  3,000.00$   3,000.00$   2Mobilization and Demobilization1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                15,000.00$              15,000.00$              9,900.00$   9,900.00$  20,900.00$  20,900.00$  3Maintenance of Traffic1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                10,250.00$              10,250.00$              12,600.00$  12,600.00$   20,246.00$  20,246.00$  4Video Record1   LS 1,500.00$        1,500.00$                1,500.00$                1,500.00$                900.00$  900.00$ 500.00$  500.00$  5Clearing of Right‐of‐Way (w/in project limits)1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                26,000.00$              26,000.00$              12,000.00$ 12,000.00$   70,968.00$ 70,968.00$ 6Concrete, Pavement Remove105  SYS25.00$              2,625.00$                10.00$  1,050.00$                40.00$ 4,200.00$  25.00$ 2,625.00$   7Concrete, Curb Remove178  LFT16.00$              2,848.00$                6.00$ 1,068.00$                25.00$ 4,450.00$  25.00$ 4,450.00$   8Surface Milling, Asphalt 1.5 in1,065                  SFT3.00$                3,195.00$                5.50$ 5,857.50$                13.00$ 13,845.00$   3.75$  3,993.75$   9Common Excavation, Asphalt Remove176  SYS50.00$              8,800.00$                30.00$  5,280.00$                45.00$ 7,920.00$  30.00$ 5,280.00$   10Clear and Grub1,620                  SFT3.00$                4,860.00$                5.00$ 8,100.00$                2.20$  3,564.00$  1.00$  1,620.00$   11Tree Remove4  EA2,000.00$        8,000.00$                2,650.00$                10,600.00$              2,200.00$   8,800.00$  2,200.00$   8,800.00$   12Compacted Aggregate, No. 5330  CYS100.00$            3,000.00$                65.00$  1,950.00$                210.00$  6,300.00$  80.00$ 2,400.00$   13HMA Surface Type B, 1.5"25  TON 160.00$            4,000.00$                439.00$   10,975.00$              550.00$  13,750.00$   439.00$  10,975.00$  14HMA Intermediate, Type B, 2.5"25  TON 180.00$            4,500.00$                345.00$   8,625.00$                332.00$  8,300.00$  345.00$  8,625.00$   15HMA Base, Type B, 4"40  TON 140.00$            5,600.00$                251.00$   10,040.00$              280.00$  11,200.00$   251.00$  10,040.00$ 16Sidewalk, Concrete, 4"103  SYS75.00$              7,725.00$                96.00$  9,888.00$                166.00$  17,098.00$   92.00$ 9,476.00$   17Concrete Curb178  LFT60.00$              10,680.00$              55.00$  9,790.00$                116.00$  20,648.00$   35.65$ 6,345.70$   18PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, 10"60  LFT80.00$              4,800.00$                70.00$  4,200.00$                200.00$  12,000.00$   270.00$  16,200.00$  19Mortar‐Seal Existing Pipe In Structure1   EA 1,500.00$        1,500.00$                12,500.00$              12,500.00$              5,000.00$   5,000.00$  3,000.00$   3,000.00$   20Storm Inlet1   EA 4,000.00$        4,000.00$                4,500.00$                4,500.00$                6,000.00$  6,000.00$  6,750.00$   6,750.00$   21Turf Sod, and Topsoil180  SYS25.00$              4,500.00$                24.25$  4,365.00$                60.00$ 10,800.00$   24.25$ 4,365.00$   22Overstory Tree, 2‐1/2" Cal4   EA900.00$            3,600.00$                805.00$   3,220.00$                805.00$  3,220.00$  805.00$  3,220.00$   23Tree Water Bad4   EA100.00$            400.00$   30.00$  120.00$   30.00$ 120.00$ 30.00$ 120.00$  24Temporary Erosion Control1   LS 2,500.00$        2,500.00$                1,500.00$                1,500.00$                900.00$  900.00$ 1,000.00$   1,000.00$   TOTAL105,133.00$           171,378.50$           198,000.00$                 224,899.45$                  Division 2 - Chapin StreetItem No. Line ItemQuantity UnitUnit Price CostUnit PriceCostUnit PriceCostUnit PriceCost1Construction Engineering And Staking1   LS 1,500.00$        1,500.00$                5,000.00$                5,000.00$                3,831.00$   3,831.00$  3,000.00$   3,000.00$   2Mobilization and Demobilization1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                15,000.00$              15,000.00$              9,900.00$   9,900.00$  20,900.00$  20,900.00$  3Maintenance of Traffic1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                9,100.00$                9,100.00$                11,600.00$  11,600.00$   19,086.00$  19,086.00$  4Video Record1   LS 1,500.00$        1,500.00$                1,500.00$                1,500.00$                900.00$  900.00$ 500.00$  500.00$  5Clearing of Right‐of‐Way (w/in project limits)1   LS 5,000.00$        5,000.00$                25,950.00$              25,950.00$              10,200.00$  10,200.00$   70,968.00$  70,968.00$  6Concrete, Pavement Remove112  SYS25.00$              2,800.00$                10.00$  1,120.00$                39.00$ 4,368.00$  25.00$ 2,800.00$   7Concrete, Curb Remove200  LFT16.00$              3,200.00$                6.00$ 1,200.00$                28.00$ 5,600.00$  25.00$ 5,000.00$   8Surface Milling, Asphalt 1.5 in775  SFT3.00$                2,325.00$                5.50$ 4,262.50$                15.00$ 11,625.00$   3.75$  2,906.25$   9Common Excavation, Asphalt Remove215  SYS50.00$              10,750.00$              30.00$  6,450.00$                40.00$ 8,600.00$  30.00$ 6,450.00$   10Clear and Grub1,240                  SFT3.00$                3,720.00$                5.00$ 6,200.00$                4.00$  4,960.00$  1.00$  1,240.00$   11Tree Remove4  EA2,000.00$        8,000.00$                1,650.00$                6,600.00$                1,250.00$   5,000.00$  1,250.00$   5,000.00$   12Compacted Aggregate, No. 5335  CYS100.00$            3,500.00$                65.00$  2,275.00$                210.00$  7,350.00$  80.00$ 2,800.00$   13HMA Surface Type B, 1.5"25  TON 160.00$            4,000.00$                439.00$   10,975.00$              550.00$  13,750.00$   439.00$  10,975.00$ 14HMA Intermediate, Type B, 2.5"30  TON 180.00$            5,400.00$                345.00$   10,350.00$              325.00$  9,750.00$  345.00$  10,350.00$  15HMA Base, Type B, 4"48  TON 140.00$            6,720.00$                251.00$   12,048.00$              280.00$  13,440.00$   251.00$  12,048.00$  16Sidewalk, Concrete, 4"120  SYS75.00$              9,000.00$                96.00$  11,520.00$              164.00$  19,680.00$   92.00$ 11,040.00$  17Concrete Curb200  LFT60.00$              12,000.00$              55.00$  11,000.00$              116.00$  23,200.00$   35.65$ 7,130.00$   18Drywell Structure, 3600 GAL1   EA 10,000.00$      10,000.00$              12,500.00$              12,500.00$              16,200.00$  16,200.00$   29,500.00$  29,500.00$  19Turf Sod, and Topsoil138  SYS25.00$              3,450.00$                29.75$  4,105.50$                67.00$ 9,246.00$  29.75$ 4,105.50$   20Overstory Tree, 2‐1/2" Cal5   EA900.00$            4,500.00$                750.00$   3,750.00$                750.00$  3,750.00$  750.00$  3,750.00$   21Tree Water Bad5   EA100.00$            500.00$   30.00$  150.00$   30.00$ 150.00$ 30.00$ 150.00$  22Temporary Erosion Control1   LS 2,500.00$        2,500.00$                1,500.00$                1,500.00$                900.00$  900.00$ 1,000.00$   1,000.00$   TOTAL110,365.00$           162,556.00$           194,000.00$                 230,698.75$                  I hereby certify that the above truly and accurately represents bids received for this project on May 9, 2023Becca Plantz, Project EngineerSelge Construction Co., Inc.Selge Construction Co., Inc.455,598.20$   Division 1 + Division 2215,498.00$  392,000.00$   333,934.50$  Engineer's EstimateMilestone Contractors North, Inc.HRP Construction, Inc.Engineer's EstimateHRP Construction, Inc.Milestone Contractor's North, Inc.S:\Public Works\Projects\Projects by Year\2021 Projects\121‐006 2021 Small Drainage\1 ‐ Admin\1 ‐ BPW Documents\Bid B ‐ Beale & Chapin\Bid Tabulation & Review