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Proposal for CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE: ABONMARCHE <br />GOVERNOR JOE KERNAN TRAIL, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />CLIENT: CITY OF SOUTH BEND; CONSTRUCTION COST: $3.2 MILLION <br />Abonmarche worked with the City’s Engineering, Community Development, and <br />Venues Parks & Arts Departments. This project links Downtown South Bend and <br />Downtown Mishawaka by a non-motorized trail, it connected Governor Joe Kernan <br />Park with Howard Park, and provides safe bicycle and pedestrian access to the <br />Indiana University at South Bend campus from the Downtown area, while adding ADA <br />compliance and safety for bicycles. <br />Abonmarche’s role in the project included field survey, design, permitting, river <br />overlook nodes, and the historic river wall restoration. <br />WESTERN AVENUE STREETSCAPE, INDIANA <br />CLIENT: CITY OF SOUTH BEND; CONSTRUCTION COST: $7,300,000 <br />Abonmarche collaborated with the South Bend Engineering Department and <br />Community Investment staff to enhance Western Avenue corridor, from Falcon Street <br />to Olive Street. The project aimed to improve accessibility and cater to the needs of all <br />users, including vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Steps, ramps, and other obstacles <br />were eliminated to establish ADA routes along the business corridor. <br />Key features of the project included reducing the previous four/five-lane state road <br />to three lanes with on-street parking. Intersections were modified with bump outs to <br />calm traffic, define parking areas, and shorten crosswalks, enhancing the corridor’s <br />appearance. Concrete overlay was used to revitalize sections of the street with a solid <br />road base, while some areas underwent full concrete pavement reconstruction. The <br />project also involved lining the sanitary sewer main and replacing the water main and <br />lead services. <br />To manage stormwater runoff, permeable pavers were installed in the parking lanes, capturing and filtering runoff into a stone storage <br />chamber before releasing it into the ground. Abonmarche secured easements from property owners to construct wider concrete <br />sidewalks, extending them to each store front where feasible, creating a welcoming pedestrian environment. Streetlights and trees were <br />added along the corridor to ensure a well-lit and safe street and sidewalk. <br />BLODGETT HOSPITAL CAMPUS STRATEGY & PARKING <br />CLIENT: SPECTRUM HEATH; CONSTRUCTION COST: $60,000,000 <br />The historic Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital encompasses a rich legacy in East <br />Grand Rapids, Michigan. From the original 1916 Hospital Building to the cutting <br />edge buildings of today, the services held inside multiple buildings on campus have <br />been at the forefront of health care for decades. <br />Spectrum Health selected Abonmarche to provide a campus master plan <br />addressing the need for enhanced wayfinding. The design discovery phase led <br />to the decision to create a main entrance to the south end of campus and a <br />secondary entrance to the north section. Two additional parking structure solutions <br />accommodate patient and staff throughout the campus. <br />Special care was given to seamlessly blend the new building and parking structures <br />with local residential neighborhoods and the larger town. Site-specific design <br />elements included using landscaping to enhance and buffer views of the parking <br />garages from the adjacent neighboring residential homes. <br />Throughout the planning phase, Abonmarche helped facilitate numerous public <br />input sessions and Planning Commission reviews with all relevant stakeholders. <br />JEFFERSON BOULEVARD, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />CLIENT: CITY OF SOUTH BEND; CONSTRUCTION COST: $4 MILLION <br />Abonmarche incorporated a complete street approach to create a corridor that <br />was conducive to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. We added on-street parallel <br />parking with landscaped bumpouts that defined parking areas. Landscape <br />planting beds, street trees, and street lighting were included as a buffer between <br />traffic and pedestrians, and aesthetically enhance the entrances of businesses. <br />Sidewalks were widened and pavement striping for one mile west and a quarter <br />mile east of the project were added to continue the complete street concept. <br />Permeable pavers were installed directly behind the new concrete curb to assist <br />in reducing the runoff collected by the storm sewer system allowing the storm <br />water to naturally drain through the subsurface soils while limiting the new pipe <br />sizes and reducing the amount of water leaving the site to the sewer. <br />11