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(7/28/2022) 12/08/2022 <br />Elbel Clubhouse Proposal v2 <br /> Kil A/P # 22086 <br />Page 3 <br />1 1 2 6 L I N C O L N W A Y E A S T S O U T H B E N D I N 4 6 6 0 1 ( 5 7 4 ) 2 8 8 . 2 6 5 4 V O I C E 2 8 9 . 2 4 2 0 F A X <br />IV.COMPENSATION: <br />A.Basic Scope of Work (Preliminary Design, Phase I): <br />1.Fee for Schematic Site and Building Design as per Articles I, II.A and II.B scope of work is: <br />$14,500.00 (fourteen thousand five hundred dollars) <br />B.Alternate for Additional Service as per Article I.D <br />Alternate #1 (Preliminary 3-D computer model) can be provided for a fee of $1,600.00 (one <br />thousand six hundred dollars). <br />To select this Alternate, please initial the section at the end of this proposal. <br />Additional Scope Services can be provided, upon request of the Owner and will be based on the Hourly <br />Rates as listed below, or to be quoted based upon the scope and level of detail requested or required. <br />C.Fee Range for Detailed Design Consultation (Phase II), Design Development and Construction <br />Documents per Article II is: <br />1.Fee for Phase II Detailed Architectural, Civil, Structural Mechanical/Electrical Engineering <br />Consultation as per Article II.A.1 is to be determined once Schematic Design is complete. It is <br />expected to entail 7.5% to 9.5% of the construction of the work designed and specified. This scope <br />would include necessary detail for permitting and construction. The exact fees for Phase II <br />engineering will be determined as a fixed fee based on the level of detail of the Phase I SD Design <br />approved by the Owner. <br />2.This scope would include Civil, Structural, Mechanical (HVAC and Plumbing), Electrical <br />Engineering and detailed Architectural Design. <br />D.Standard reimbursable expenses are not included in the above fee. <br />These are as follows: Printing/copying, contracts, mileage at $0.60/mi, documentation, permit fees, <br />Construction Permit Review fee (if required), and other similar expenses in the interest of the project. <br />E.The Owner will be billed at the Standard 2022 hourly rates as follows: <br />Principal Architect $175.00/hour <br />Project Architect, Level II $135.00/hour <br />Project Architect, Level I $110.00/hour <br />Senior Architectural Designer $100.00/hour <br />Graduate Architect, Level III $98.00/hour <br />Graduate Architect, Level II $90.00/hour <br />Graduate Architect, Level I $87.00/hour <br />Project Designer $92.00/hour <br />Technical CAD Designer $89.00/hour <br />Intern Architect, Level III $68.00/hour <br />Intern Architect, Level II $60.00/hour <br />Intern Architect, Level I $54.00/hour <br />Clerical Staff $45.00/hour <br />These rates are subject to review and may be changed at the beginning of each calendar year. <br />EXHIBIT A