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City of South Bend: PE Services for Coal Line Trail Phase 3 (Des # 2201235) in the La Porte District | HWC Engineering 7 <br />TASK 1: ON-SITE REVIEW OF EXISTING CONDITIONS <br />• HWC competed a site visit on February 22, 2023 to identify potential <br />conflicts and confirm the best location of the trail. <br />• HWC reviewed available information online regarding all phases of <br />Coal Creek Trail. <br />• Existing topography, bus routes, and utilities were identified. <br /> TASK 2: SURVEY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />• Perform and review a topographic survey to confirm site observations <br />and obtain a basis for the design of the project. <br />• Includes full topo from back of existing walk to back of existing walk. <br />• Will obtain measurements for all drainage structures to ensure our <br />design accommodates proper drainage. <br />• Identify areas where additional property acquisition or easements may <br />be required for trail, trailhead, and/or utility needs. <br />• Prepare a proposed right-of-way diagram and table to illustrate future <br />right-of-way needs. <br />• Prepare a diagram to illustrate potential utility conflicts. <br />• Identify environmental resources and constraints along the corridor, <br />including wetlands, floodplains, karst features, pipelines, wells, and <br />hazardous materials concerns. <br />In general, our methodology for the design of Phase 3 of the Coal Creek Trail consists of two distinct parts. The first part consists of preliminary <br />engineering and scoping. This first part is intended to scope out segments of the trail into projects which can be fast-tracked and those which will take <br />additional time due to right-of-way needs, permitting requirements, or utility and railroad coordination. The second part of the project consists of <br />preparing detailed construction documents, permitting, and construction of the trail segments identified in Part 1. The scope of services proposed for Part <br />1: Preliminary Engineering and Scoping is listed below. <br />Project Approach <br />TASK 3: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING <br />• Develop preliminary engineering plans to include the following: <br />• Trail alignment <br />• Proposed edge of pavement <br />• Typical sections <br />• Location of trailhead amenities and parking <br />• Spot grading for area of concern <br />• Initiate outreach for preliminary utility coordination. <br />• Attend one design coordination meeting with the City and any other <br />stakeholders (assumed up to two meetings). <br />• Attend three progress meetings with South Bend.