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07 City of South Bend, Indiana | Safe Routes to School (SRTS) – Kennedy Academy | February 14, 2023 <br />PROJECT APPROACH <br />ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION <br />CFS environmental staff reviewed the project area for potential <br />environmental red flags. They completed a project study using <br />IndianaMap, Indiana StreamStats, National Park Service data and <br />the Indiana State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database <br />(SHAARD). The exhibit and information generated will serve to assist the City of <br />South Bend in the planning process for potential route locations. CFS will work <br />closely with Volkert to discuss route alternatives and associated environmental <br />impacts that may result. CFS staff are experts in the completion of documentation <br />in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and will navigate <br />the process so that construction will begin as scheduled. <br />The most abundant environmental resource identified within the study area are <br />historic structures. The presence of historic structures will potentially initiate <br />the Section 106 process to evaluate if the characteristics of these structures <br />make them eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. <br />Structures designated as Notable or Outstanding will be given high priority. <br />Careful consideration of design elements will be required when construction is <br />planned to occur adjacent to these resources so that adverse effects are avoided <br />or minimized. <br />Based on the preferred route(s) chosen, impacts to environmental <br />resources present will be identified and evaluated in the <br />appropriate level of NEPA document. A Programmatic Categorical <br />Exclusion (PCE) or Categorical Exclusion (CE) level document is <br />anticipated. The document will be prepared and submitted to the <br />appropriate INDOT district and/or central office for final review <br />and approval, allowing the project to move forward with the <br />construction letting process. <br />WATER RESOURCES AND PERMITTING <br />Minimal jurisdictional wetlands, waterways or mapped floodways have <br />been identified in the study area. A field investigation will confirm <br />the presence or absence of these resources. Should impacts occur <br />to a feature present, applicable regulatory permits for IDEM and the USACE will <br />be prepared for agency review and approval prior to construction. Should new <br />land disturbance for the project exceed 1.0 acre, not including impact to existing <br />roadway or sidewalk surfaces, an IDEM Construction Stormwater General Permit <br />will be required for sediment and erosion control. <br />PLAN DEVELOPMENT <br />Our team has designed hundreds of ADA curb ramps to INDOT <br />standards over the last several years. The Volkert advantage is <br />as follows: <br />• We are very familiar with the INDOT ADA Technical Advisory Committee. We <br />know that curb ramps that are borderline to meeting ADA compliance need to <br />be reviewed by the ADA committee. <br />• INDOT requires the use of stricter standards than the federal ADA PROWAG <br />Guidelines. Engaging a firm that knows the difference between a 1.5% preferred <br />INDOT cross slope and a 2.0% maximum PROWAG cross slope is extremely <br />valuable to successfully completing the project to INDOT’s standards. <br />• While vehicular maintenance of traffic on a project of this type should be <br />straight forward, consistent maintenance of ADA accessible pedestrian routes <br />DURING construction can be a challenge. Volkert will enlist ingenuity and “out <br />of the box thinking” to adequately maintain pedestrian movements while <br />providing a project site that is constructable for the contractor. <br />Meade & Bertrand: Curb ramps missing, no Detectable Warning Surface (DWS).Olive & Kenwood: Curb ramps missing, no Detectable Warning Surface (DWS), slopes exceed maximum allowed.