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10 City of South Bend, Indiana | Safe Routes to School (SRTS) – Kennedy Academy | February 14, 2023 <br />PROPOSED SCHEDULE <br />SCHEDULE KEY <br />KEY SCHEDULE COMPONENTS – Our team will work to design this project to limit utility relocations and additional right of way requirements. If the District’s Fiscal <br />Year budgets allow, it is possible to advance this project one fiscal year, which could save INDOT up to $50,000 in construction costs. <br /> Volkert has 4 survey crews in Indiana that are ready to start this assignment upon Notice to Proceed. <br /> We understand that the funding for this project is for FY 2026, which has an INDOT Letting Window from July 2025 to March 2026 <br />as INDOT (and MACOG) prefer to let the project in plenty of time so that the project can be funded in the assigned fiscal year. <br /> Our design team has the capacity to tackle this assignment and complete this project in advance of the design schedule. <br />CFS is engaged on this project. CFS knows how to manage environmental factors that may impact the schedule. <br /> We will prepare design plans, advance utility coordination, and complete the environmental document in a timely manner so that letting with exceptions for <br />utility coordination is not required. <br />Utility Coordination will be advanced early within the project so that schedule delaying issues can be avoided. <br />Coordination with the City and MACOG will be deliberate and thorough to keep the project on track. <br />Proposed Letting Date of 11/13/2025, however, can be adjusted as long as it remains within the letting window.FebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecLOI Due <br />Consultant Selection <br />Contract Scoping, Route Determination <br />and Initial Study* <br />Agreement & NTP <br />Topographic Survey <br />MACOG Quartely Meeting <br />Stage 1 <br />Stage 1 Review <br />Environmental Document <br />Utility Coordination <br />PFC Plans <br />PFC Meeting <br />Stage 2 Plans <br />Stage 2 Review <br />Stage 3 Plans (3/21/25) <br />Stage 3 Plan Review <br />Final Field Check Meeting <br />Final Tracings (7/21/25) <br />RFC Date (8/20/2025) <br />INDOT Letting Window for LPA Projects in SFY 2026 <br />Proposed Letting Date (11/13/2025) <br />Construction <br />* Includes Initial Meetings with City and School <br />2023 2024 2025 2026