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City of South Bend | PE Services for Safe Routes to School - Kennedy School - Des #2201237 | 7 <br />FIELD ASSESSMENT <br />Armed with the knowledge of frequently travelled routes through- <br />out the neighborhood, the JPR team will assess the existing sidewalks <br />and curb ramps to determine areas of improvement. In addition to the <br />heavily travelled routes, other sidewalks in the neighborhood will be <br />assessed for replacement as cost allows. The assessment will include <br />the condition of sidewalks, curb ramps, roadway turning spaces, and <br />adjacent drainage structures for necessary adjustments. <br />PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT <br />The JPR team will prepare a preliminary engineering report (PER) for <br />the City of South Bend that will outline every aspect of the project. This <br />report will include sidewalk replacement to a minimum 5-foot width, <br />recommended curb ramp replacements, potential utility conflicts and <br />solutions, and any adjustments to adjacent drainage structures to <br />maintain proper flow. Additionally, a cost estimate will be provided to <br />ensure the project stays inside the required construction budget. <br />SURVEY <br />With specific locations for improvement decided, the JPR survey team <br />will be able to gather topographic survey data quickly and efficiently. <br />Due to the scope of the project not requiring underground aspects, <br />the JPR team intends to utilize the latest drone survey technology. This <br />will enable the survey to be collected faster and safer than traditional <br />survey methods, saving the City time and money on the overall project. <br />In the event drainage structures need modifications, traditional survey <br />methods will be used to gather required information. <br />Lincoln Manor Neighborhood <br />PROJECT APPROACH: DES. #2201237 <br />Due to the unique nature of the project not hav- <br />ing defined improvement locations, communi- <br />cation early and often with the City of South <br />Bend as well as key neighborhood players will <br />be crucial to the success of the project. Hold- <br />ing initial meetings with representatives from <br />Kennedy Academy, St. Stanislaus Catholic <br />Church, and the MLK Jr. Community Center <br />will provide important information to the <br />usage of sidewalks in the area. This informa- <br />tion will provide a basis for developing an <br />effective design that will satisfy the needs <br />of the City and its residents.LINCOLNWAYGOODL <br />A <br />N <br />D <br />A <br />V <br />E.