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Client: South Bend <br />Project: Small Drainage Projects - Blackford Court <br />Project No.: 22-1166 <br />Manhour Budget Principle / Sr Proj MgrSr. Proj Engr / PM/ Sr. ConsultantSr Engr / Sr Dsgr / Sr Surv.Engr / Dsgr / SurvSr Tech /Sr ObservTechnician / ObservorTwo Person Survey CrewOne Person Survey CrewTask Description Totals Total Fee <br />Task 1 Blackford Court - Drainage Study / Survey 6 18 48 36 0 0 26 4 138 16,970$ <br />1 Review record documents 2 230$ <br />2 Uility locates / research / property lines 2 6 2 4 1,660$ <br />3 Survey - Storm / structure data / spot elevs 24 3,600$ <br />4 Survey cleanup and existing storm/san layout & site drawing 2 2 12 1,740$ <br />5 Site visit PM/Designer with existing site verification 6 6 1,380$ <br />6 Drainage modeling build existing conditions / shed delineation 2 16 2 2,300$ <br />7 Drainage modeling proposed alternates / options 2 4 12 2,220$ <br />8 Draft Drainage report / recommendations / cost estimates 2 2 8 8 2,350$ <br />9 Mtg with City review (virtual)2 2 480$ <br />10 Final Drainage report / recommendations / cost estimates 2 4 2 1,010$ <br />-$ <br />Task 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />Task 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />Task 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />-$ <br />Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,970$ <br />22-1166 South Bend - Small Drainage Projects - Blackford Ct 09-01-22 1 of 2