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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br /> August 18, 1993 <br /> Page 3 <br /> The Greely and Hanson report which has been underway for the past 18 <br /> months will be given to the Common Council in the very near future . <br /> In response to a question from Councilmember Puzzello it was noted that <br /> merit bonuses are included in each utility whereas for non-utility <br /> employees such monies are proposed in the City Controller's budget. <br /> Mr. Dillon noted that with the reorganization there will be three (3) fewer <br /> people in salaried positions. He noted that electrical costs will be down due <br /> to the increased use of methane and using off-peak electric rates. The <br /> overall budget ill be reduced approximately $240,000 over the current <br /> budget. <br /> Councilmember Duda question the use of bi-product usage and sales. Mr. <br /> Dillon noted that 503 Sludge Regulations require that sewage sludge be <br /> listed on all title work however that "clean sludge" is not required to be <br /> listed. He is hoping to have 100% bi-product usage in the future. <br /> Councilmember Coleman voiced concern over Pinhook Lagoon. It was <br /> noted that the dewatering lines had been broken and that a building now is <br /> located over those lines. Councilmember Coleman stated that he would <br /> discuss this further with the Park Department. <br /> Sewage Depreciation Fund: <br /> '93: $1,056,600 <br /> 1994 Proposed: $1,233.000, <br /> The capital side will reflect a 1/2 million dollar increase. Enhanced <br /> preventive maintenance programs will be implemented. <br /> Clay Sewage: <br /> Clay Sewage General Fund: '93 $ 557.785 <br /> 1994 Proposed: $ 615,000 <br /> Clay Sewage Sinking Fund: '93 $ 138.699 <br /> 1994 Proposed: $ 138.698 <br />