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. <br /> Police Department since the Police Department is already <br /> understaffed and overburdened with enforcement. <br /> Councilman Niezgodski noted, however, that the Department of <br /> Code Enfocement has been cut back in personnel and did not <br /> have radio communication in all instances. <br /> Following further discussion, Councilman Luecke made a <br /> motion seconded by Councilman Voorde that the <br /> recommendations of the task force on leave burning (copy <br /> attached) as well as a copy of the minority report submitted <br /> by Councilman Puzzello (copy attached) be accepted by the <br /> Committee and that they be forwarded to the Council Attorney <br /> for the drafting of an ordinance for Council review and <br /> recommendation. The motion passed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the <br /> Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Councilman Loretta Duda, Chairman <br /> Residential Neighborhoods Committee <br /> LD:srk <br /> Attachments <br /> 3 <br />