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3. Many people would feel they are being cheated in <br /> not being allowed to burn when others can. <br /> Councilman Puzzello noted that she did agree with banning <br /> leaf burning in the Spring but not in the Fall. Councilman <br /> Puzzello then noted that she would be filing a minority <br /> report (copy attached) dated May 25, 1988 which incorporated <br /> the three reasons for opposing the burning ban and <br /> incorporated the concept of allowing burning only on <br /> alternate calendar days. <br /> Councilman Duda noted that the majority of the task force <br /> members prefer the permit procedure as opposed to an <br /> alterate burning day procedure. It was also noted that <br /> permits must be posted in a conspicuous place; that one <br /> permit could be issued per season per location, and that the <br /> task force wanted to avoid temperature inversions. Several <br /> questions were raised with regard to enforcement and how the <br /> Fire Department could determine whether a property would <br /> have the requisite number of bags of leaves. Questions were <br /> also raised with regard to containers and whether they <br /> should be allowed or required when burning as well as <br /> questions with regard to fines and charges. <br /> Councilman Duda noted that an educational process with the <br /> assistance of the news media must take place. She <br /> recommended that an ordinance incorporating the <br /> recommendations of the task force be prepared and filed for <br /> first reading for the next council meeting. <br /> Councilman Zakrzewski had questions with regard to <br /> enforcement and the procedure that would be used when fire <br /> trucks would be sent out to put out an illegal fire. He <br /> questioned who would enforce this ordinance after 5: 00 p.m. <br /> Councilman Duda suggested that perhaps flex-time for the <br /> Department of Code Enforcement was a possibility. James <br /> Caldwell noted that during the business week day hours the <br /> Department of Code Enforcement could verify violations and <br /> that the Fire Department could go out and issue warnings <br /> after regular business hours. Councilman Duda hoped that <br /> fire trucks would only be sent when a fire was "out of <br /> control". She also noted that she had a type of degradable <br /> bag which had an estimated cost of $.20 each. One of the <br /> citizens noted that there is an experimental program through <br /> the Indiana Corn Growers Association which may be able to <br /> assist the City. The bags are six percent corn starch with <br /> the rest being plastic. <br /> It was noted by Councilman Duda that the task force would be <br /> reconvened in January of 1989 to study the results of the <br /> 1988 Fall burning. Max Moore stated that enforcement should <br /> be with the Code Enforcement Department and not with the <br /> 2 <br />