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Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance <br /> and Utilities Committees 11-16-88 Page 3 <br /> place in 1995. The year 2001 is when the Lease-Purchase <br /> Agreement expires. <br /> A question was raised with regard to "taxes to City" in line <br /> item 394. It was also questioned why in 1988 there were no <br /> monies budgeted in this account, while in 1989 $7, 000 was <br /> requested. John Leszcynski stated that he believes "there <br /> is no legitimate way for such a charge. " He also noted that <br /> the City does the billing for Clay and that State law <br /> requires a separate set of books. This area with regard to <br /> the charge and the projection of $7, 000 would be further <br /> checked by the City administration. <br /> Line item 263 entitled "Other Supplies II" in the amount of <br /> $4, 000 represented a 288.3% increase. Mr. Agostino noted <br /> that this represents the printing of bills and that <br /> currently they are using old stock. <br /> South Bend/Clay Water Sinking Fund - page 8 - $64 ,738 - 0% <br /> increase. Mr. Agostino noted that this represents the <br /> payment per the schedule projected to run through the year <br /> 2001. This payment is at a 10.4% interest rate. <br /> Mayor Kernan then reviewed Bill No. 103-88 which is the <br /> sewage use and rate ordinance. Mayor Kernan noted that the <br /> best case situation would have been that the City's local <br /> match over a 14 year period would be 4.9 million dollars. <br /> With the help of Jack Dillon and John Leszczynski the <br /> various documents needed for EPA review and State approval <br /> were properly filed by the City. The City's local match <br /> will now total 9.5 million dollars and will be paid over a <br /> 20 year period. It was also noted that part of the monies <br /> for next year would be on a loan basis as oppossed to a <br /> grant basis through the EPA. He noted that South Bend was <br /> 105 on the list and moved up to 76 and ended up as 1 of 16 <br /> cities within Indiana to be selected for grant monies. <br /> Mayor Kernan noted that the grant was the result of <br /> cooperation between Senators and Representatives, Mr. <br /> Leszczynski and his staff and other City administrators. In <br /> July the average user rate projected was calculated at <br /> $12 .70 and now the average user rate is projected to be <br /> $13 . 09. If the total project would have to be funded by the <br /> City in the amount of 22 1/2 million dollars instead of a <br /> 26% increase the City would be looking at a 48% increase. <br /> It was noted that on October 1, 1988 the new permit was <br /> issued and the City has 3 years to bring the plan into <br /> compliance. <br />