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Joint Meeting of the Personnel and Finance <br /> and Utilities Committees 11-16-88 Page 2 <br /> policy with regard to take home vehicles. It was also noted <br /> that 8 people drive pick-up trucks which are taken home. <br /> Most of these are used for construction and maintenance and <br /> distribution. It was also noted that job leaders and <br /> supervisors typically take home cars. <br /> In response to a question raised by Council Member Luecke <br /> the property tax question in line item 394 was to be further <br /> reviewed. It was also noted that line item 525 incorporates <br /> a transfer for administrative costs in the amount of <br /> $116,779. 00 to reimburse for personnel. Katie Humphreys <br /> noted that Crowe Chizek has been hired to study this area to <br /> determine an actual amount. <br /> Water Works Depreciation - page 5 $958,237 , 000 - 3 .8% <br /> increase. Mr. Agostino reviewed this account. Council <br /> Member Coleman noted that he personally inspected the clear <br /> wells and found it to be a "facinating process" . Council <br /> Member Puzzello had several questions with regard to motor <br /> equipment in line item 427 which represented a 34 .2% <br /> increase. It was noted that a front end loader costing <br /> $75, 000. 00 was one of the primary reasons for the increase. <br /> It was further noted that the current front end loader is <br /> over 16 years old. It was also noted that vehicles would be <br /> serviced by MSF instead of being serviced in their own <br /> garage. This should result in a net savings. Line item 399 <br /> will help pay for 2 new wells at Ireland and Ironwood. The <br /> site survey has begun for that project. <br /> Council Member Voorde questioned supplementing Mishawaka's <br /> pressure and water problems. Mayor Kernan noted that a plan <br /> to tie the two systems together is currently being studied <br /> with the mechanics for public safety, etc. being discussed. <br /> Such a project would be metered and the Mayor agreed to keep <br /> the Common Council advised of further developments. <br /> Questions were raised with regard to line item 436 "General <br /> Fund Water Mains" in the amount of $284,765. 00. It was <br /> noted that the cost of pipes, the replacement of hydrants, <br /> new valves, etc. are all represented within this account. <br /> This account does receive some reimbursement when there are <br /> actual hookups. <br /> Water Works Sinking Fund - page 6- $15, 621 - 0% increase. <br /> Mr. Agostino noted that this represents the payment of the <br /> River Commons principal and interest. 1989 is the last year <br /> for the River Commons payment. The original was $111, 000. <br /> South Bend/Clay Water General Operations - page 7 - $179 ,500 <br /> - 5. 1% increase. It was noted that this account was <br /> established when the City of South Bend began the purchase <br /> of the Clay operation. The City runs the overall operation <br /> with Clay reimbursing the City. An option to purchase takes <br />