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PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS <br />TOWN OF BROWNSBURG | BROWNSBURG, IN <br />SERVICES PROVIDED: <br />• Roadway Design <br />• Pedestrian Facility Design <br />• Signage Design <br />• Pavement Marking Design <br />• Utility Coordination <br />The Town of Brownsburg undertook this project to improve pedestrian crossing and safety at various intersection <br />located near schools. These improvements will create a safer, more walkable, accessible, and pedestrian friendly <br />Town of Brownsburg. <br />The proposed improvements included the reconstruction of curb ramps and sidewalk at 11 intersections to meet <br />the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), roadway widening to accommodate a pedestrian <br />refuge island at one intersection, the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at all curb ramp <br />locations, updated high visibility pavement markings, and additional street lighting. <br />The project also included updates to school zone signage including the installation of school zone flashing <br />beacons. These beacons clearly define periods of speed reduction from times of day to “when flashing.” The <br />desire, with the more clearly defined conditions, is improved driver compliance with reducing travel speeds in <br />school zones. Various school zone related static signage was also installed and replaced as a part of this project. <br />Shrewsberry provided engineering design services and helped to guide this project though all stages of the <br />Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) design process. This work included managing a team of <br />subconsultants who performed the environmental documentation, survey, and right-of-way engineering and <br />purchasing. Shrewsberry also stayed with this project through completion of construction, remaining available <br />to answer questions from the contractor and construction inspection team. <br />25TH STREET & DELAWARE <br />INDIANAPOLIS DPW | INDIANAPOLIS,IN <br />SERVICES PROVIDED: <br />• ADA Curb Ramp Design <br />• Pavement Marking Design <br />• Signage Design <br />This project consisted of the design and reconstruction of pedestrian safety improvements for a half- <br />mile radius around the intersection of 25th & Delaware. The project consisted of curb ramp design at 26 <br />intersections and pavement marking/signage improvements at 53 intersections. <br />Major arterials and collectors were given priority for pedestrian improvements over local streets because of <br />higher traffic volume. <br />Generators of pedestrians included schools, transit lines, city parks, and libraries. Schools in the area include: <br />Ivy Tech, The Oaks Academy, Phalen Academy, and Carpe Diem Schools. Eight IndyGo bus routes pass <br />through the area. Six IndyGo stops located within the project area are in top five percent of boardings/ <br />alightings in the IndyGo system. Parks in the area include: MLK Memorial Park, Barton Park, Kessler Park, <br />Al E. Polin Park, and two pocket parks along Delaware Street. The Monon Trail is ¾ mile from the center of <br />the study node. <br />SHREWSBERRY & ASSOCIATES  RELEVANT PROjECT ExPERIENCE <br />SOUTH BEND  OUR LADY OF HUNGARY NEIGHBORHOOD SIDEWALKS AND ADA RAMPS (DES. NO. 2100025)9