City of South Bend: PE/RW Services for Bendix Drive 3
<br />Project Manager
<br />BS, Civil Engineering, Tri-State University ǀ BA, Physics, Goshen College ǀ Professional Engineer: IN ǀ INDOT SiteManager ǀ INDOT
<br />PE/PS ǀ INDOT-Certffied Technician ǀ LPA Consultant Project Manager Certfficatfon ǀ INDOT-Certffied Utflity Coordinator
<br />
<br />With more than 16 years of experience, Barbie’s work ethic, attentfon to detail, and leadership skills have provided her
<br />numerous opportunitfes to work on a wide variety of roadway projects throughout the City of South Bend and St. Joseph
<br />County. Her career has spanned the entfrety of the development process — from feasibility studies to contract letting and
<br />all phases in between. She has developed considerable expertfse designing urban and rural highways and roads, trails, mainten ance of traffic,
<br />as well as constructfon cost estfmatfng, plan preparatfon, bid package preparatfon, right -of-way engineering, and constructfon engineering.
<br />
<br />
<br />SR 933 at Cleveland Road, St. Joseph County for INDOT
<br />—Project Manager/Utility Coordinator for the design of an added southbound right-
<br />turn lane along SR 933 at its intersectfon with Cleveland Road. Scope of work includes
<br />survey, engineering assessment, design plans, utflity coordinatfon, and constructfon
<br />phase services. (Constructfon to commence in 2022) Estimated Construction Cost:
<br />$368,000
<br />Historic Leeper Park Improvements for the City of South Bend
<br />—Project Manager (Phase 2)/Project Engineer (Phase 1) The project included design
<br />services; restoratfon and installatfon of the fountain, pond removal, updated ADA
<br />pathways, traffic calming features, a formal garden, lightfng, and new riverbank overlooking the St. Joseph River; and a new ADA-accessible
<br />playground and utflity coordinatfon. Construction Cost: $2,100,000
<br />Hoham Drive for the City of Plymouth, Indiana
<br />— Project Manager & Utility Coordinator for the reconstructfon of Hoham Drive from 400 feet west of Western Avenue to North Michigan
<br />Street. The roadway length is approximately 1,450 feet and includes a three-lane sectfon with two 12-foot-wide travel lanes in each directfon
<br />and one 14-foot-wide center-turn lane plus a 2-foot 7-inch curb-and-gutter and a 5-foot-wide sidewalk on the south side of Hoham Drive. The
<br />scope includes all aspects of design including geometric design, drainage design, utflity coordinatfon, signing, pavement mar king, MOT, and
<br />QA/QC. Drainage design, including storm sewer and underground storage design. (Constructfon to commence in 2022) Construction Cost:
<br />$2,500,000 (Federal-Aid LPA)
<br />
<br />Cleveland Road, Riverside Drive to SR 933, for St. Joseph County
<br />— Project Engineer assistfng with the design for roadway reconstructfon of the 4 -lane sectfon of Cleveland Road from Riverside Drive to
<br />SR 933. This project consists of a total reconstructfon of 5,500 feet of Cleveland Road. The scope of work includes replaceme nt of the
<br />deteriorated concrete pavement and curb, additfon of a multf-use path, a pedestrian-actfvated crossing signal, and lightfng. Design elements
<br />include horizontal and vertfcal geometrics, storm sewer and inlet design, utflity coordinatfon, erosion control plans, lightf ng, pavement
<br />marking and signing plans, and public involvement. Right -of-way acquisitfon includes
<br />partfal right-of-way from five parcels. Construction Cost: $8,287,000 (Federal -Aid LPA)
<br />
<br />9th Street Trail, City of Goshen
<br />— Utility Coordinator for the initfal improvement project along the 9th Street Corridor.
<br />This redesign for a pedestrian trail consisted of widths of 10 -11 feet with variable ROW
<br />through residentfal neighborhood and requiring railroad navigatfon, new sidewalks,
<br />lightfng, street trees, a multf-use trail, and a buffer between the neighborhood and
<br />railroad/industrial propertfes. (see page 12 for more details) Construction Cost:
<br />$1,250,000
<br />Due our consistent ability to deliver on (and under) both schedule and budget, our PM scores stand
<br />15% above industry average*
<br />
<br />*based on INDOT Evaluations for Project Management for Project Delivery: June 2020 to October 2021
<br />SR 933 at CLEVELAND ROAD
<br />9th STREET TRAIL