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<br />Version 08/25/2021 Page - 13 Public Works Quote <br />1. Earthwork includes all excavation of soils, and any other materials within the project limits not paid <br />for elsewhere, to establish the grades required by the work, including undercut required to establish <br />pavement base grades. <br /> <br />2. Earthwork includes the transportation, hauling and disposal of excess material from the project <br />limits, with the exception of pavement removal, which is to be considered incidental to the <br />PAVEMENT, REMOVAL and COMMON EXCAVATION Pay Items. <br /> <br />3. Contractor may not spoil excavated material within the lawn area between the curb and sidewalk if <br />such placement would cause the gradient to be towards the sidewalk without prior written <br />authorization of the Owner for the specific area in question. <br /> <br />4. Measurement and Payment <br /> <br />a. Payment for all costs associated with earthwork as defined above, will not be paid directly, but <br />shall be included in the cost of various items of the contract for all parts. <br />XVIII. WATER SERVICE LINE <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2022, INDOT Standard Specifications Section 715 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. General Requirements <br />a. All pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances shall be shown on drawings and such <br />drawings and specifications shall be submitted to the City’s authorized representative for <br />approval prior to any construction. Water main installation shall meet all requirements of these <br />specifications. All pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances shall be new and unused. <br />b. The design of water mains shall be in accordance with the most recent edition of the <br />“Recommended Standards for Water Mains” as adopted by the Great Lakes -Upper Mississippi <br />River Board of State Sanitary Engineers, commonly known as “Ten State Standards” and 327 - <br />IAC-Article 8. <br />c. All necessary permits shall be obtained by or on behalf of the developer. <br />d. These standards are to be used in conjunction with other Town Ordinances. <br /> <br />2. Quality Assurance <br />a. The contractor shall test and disinfect water main in accordance with current City of South Bend <br />standards. <br />b. The contractor shall provide hydrostatic pressure testing for water main in accordance with <br />current City of South Bend standards. <br />c. Testing shall be at the direction and in the presence of authorized City staff. <br /> <br />3. Water Service Lines Installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling <br />a. Pipe <br />(i) Water service lines installed by horizonal directional drilling shall be PE CTS DR 9 <br />(ii) PE CTS piping connections shall be CTS compression adapters. <br /> <br />4. Horizontal Directional Drilling System Requirement. <br />a. The system shall be remotely steerable and permit electronic monitoring and chart recording <br />of tunnel depth and location. This system shall be able to control the depth and direction of <br />the pipe and must be accurate to a window of six (6) inches. The system shall also monitor <br />and record the pullback force required and applied for direction of each pull. <br />b. The system shall be capable of turning 90-degrees in a 200' radius. <br />c. The system will utilize a fluid-cutting process, using liquid clay such as bentonite. This clay <br />shall be totally inert and contain no risk to the environment. <br />d. The liquid clay shall remain in the tunnel to increase the stability of the tunnel and to provide <br />a lubricant to reduce directional drag when the pipes are installed.