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report to the Council. <br /> Council Member Taylor and Council Member Beck indicated they would support <br /> public censure. <br /> Council Member Taylor made a motion that Council Member Paszek be publicly <br /> censured for his comments made June 23 in a telephone interview, pursuant <br /> to Section 2-10. 1 of the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, <br /> seconded by Council Member Voorde. The motion carried on a vote of 4 ayes <br /> and one nay (Council Member Braboy) . <br /> Council Member Taylor made a motion that the Council carry out this <br /> censure at a public meeting to be held June 21 at 4:00 p.m. , in the <br /> Council Chambers, after a confirming vote of at least five members of the <br /> Common Council, at which Council Member Paszek will be required to be in <br /> attendance, seconded by Council Member Voorde. The motion carried. <br /> Council Member Taylor made a motion that the Rules Committee submit the <br /> written report for consideration by the Council for 10:00 a.m. , July 18, <br /> Council Member Voorde made a motion the report will be prepared by the <br /> Chairman, Vice Chairman and Council attorney, noting the fact that there <br /> will be a public censure and that will be submitted to the complainant and <br /> the respondent, seconded by Council Member Taylor. The motion carried. <br /> Council Member Taylor made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council Member <br /> Braboy. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6: 35 p.m. <br />