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Hedy Robinson, of Economic Development, read the staff report for tax <br /> abatement for Tripods. She indicated 6 new jobs will be created. Ernest <br /> Szarwark, attorney, indicated that the Department of Redevelopment, has <br /> recommended a three year real property tax abatement. He indicated this <br /> property was within the tax abatement increment area. Ann Kolata <br /> indicated Redevelopment did not buy the property it was on the list of <br /> properties to be purchased, and Tripods approached them regarding the <br /> property. Council Member Voorde indicated when they applied for an <br /> Economic Development Bond he asked if they were going to apply for tax <br /> abatement, and they indicated they were not going to apply. He indicated <br /> that the abatement ordinance clearly states that no building permit be <br /> issued before applying for abatement. He indicated that an electrical <br /> permit and a foundation permit were issued for this project in May. <br /> Ernest Szarwark indicated they were temporary permits. He indicated there <br /> was an agreement with Redevelopment and Tripods regarding this abatement. <br /> Council Member Barcome made a motion that this resolution go to Council <br /> with no recommendation, seconded by Council Member Beck. The motion <br /> carried. <br /> Council Member Beck made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council Member <br /> Barcome. <br />