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Confidential & Proprietary Information of Ameresco, Inc. Page 9 of 54 <br />amounts not paid to Ameresco onor before the due dates specified in Subsections 4(b) and (d), shall <br />accrue interest at the interest rate prespecified in any Prompt Payment Act applicable to Customer <br />or, if no such rate is specified, at thePrime rate of interest as published in the Wall Street Journal for <br />major banks or such lower rate as is prescribed by applicable law. <br />SECTION 5 Term <br />This term of this Agreement (the “Term ”), shall begin on the date first above written and shall remain <br />in effect through the “Guarantee Period ” as such term is defined in Attachment C, unless terminated <br />prior to such date, as provided for in this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall also <br />terminate the Guarantee Period. Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, <br />Customer shall not be relieved of its obligation to pay Ameresco when due all amounts which accrued <br />prior to such termination. <br />SECTION 6 Savings Guarantee <br />To the extent set forth in Attachment C, and solely in accordance with Attachment C, Ameresco <br />guarantees that the “Annual Savings ” (as defined below) to be achieved as a result of installation and <br />operation of the ECMs shall equal or exceed the Guaranteed Savings (as defined in Attachment C) <br />over the “Guarantee Period ” (as defined in Attachment C). <br />For purposes of this Savings Guarantee, the following assumptions and provisions shall apply: <br />(a)Ameresco guarantees that the Guaranteed Savings will be achieved by operation and beneficial <br />use of all ECMs taken in the aggregate, but does not guarantee the savings amount achieved by each <br />ECM individually. <br />(b)The total cumulative savings achieved by the combined ECMs, determined as provided in the <br />M&V Plan, shall be deemed the total “Annual Savings ”. Calculation of the Annual Savings shall be <br />performed under, and governed by, the methods, formulas, and procedures described in the <br />Measurement and Verification Plan set forth in Attachment G (the “M&V Plan”). <br />(c)As it relates to the Annual Savings and this Savings Guarantee, the term “Guarantee Year” <br />shall mean the consecutive twelve (12) month period beginning with the first day of the month <br />following the date of Substantial Completion of the ECMs, and each similar twelve (12) month period <br />thereafter. <br />(d)Ameresco’s obligations in respect of this Savings Guarantee are subject to Customer <br />performing all of its maintenance, repair, service and other obligations under this Agreement, including, <br />without limitation, performance of its obligations in Section 10 and maintenance of the Standards of <br />Service and Comfort set forth in Attachment J, if any, which may affect achievement of the Guaranteed <br />Savings. If Customer fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement or interferes with, or <br />permits any third party to take any action which, in the reasonable opinion of Ameresco, may prevent <br />the achievement of the Guaranteed Savings under this Agreement, Ameresco may, after providing <br />Customer thirty (30) days advance notice, adjust the Annual Savings amount during the period in which <br />such savings were affected to reflect the impact such actions had on same. Ameresco’s rights set forth <br />herein shall not be in limitation of any other rights it is entitled to by law or under this Agreement. <br />Any disputes regarding achievement of Guaranteed Savings or any M&V Report delivered pursuant to <br />Attachment G shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions of Section 13. <br />SECTION 7 Right of Entry/Space