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Confidential & Proprietary Information of Ameresco, Inc. Page 8 of 54 <br />and terminated, in each case without further action on any Party’s part. <br />SECTION 3 Financing and Ability to Pay <br />(a)By its execution of this Agreement, Customer hereby represents and warrants to Ameresco <br />that Customer has adequate funds for payment of the Contract Cost, and for any portions which <br />Customer may need to borrow, Customer intends to enter into a separate financing through a bond <br />issuance, lease purchase, or similar structure (“Financing ”) with a third party finance company or <br />other third party entity. <br />(b)Customer agrees and acknowledges that its obligation to make the payments to Ameresco set <br />forth in this Agreement are in no way contingent on the effectiveness of the Financing. However, <br />Ameresco acknowledges that under Indiana law, all payments to Ameresco are subject to annual <br />appropriation by the South Bend Common Council, the fiscal body for the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />SECTION 4 Contract Cost; Monthly Progress Payments <br />(a)Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Ameresco shall perform the Scope of Services at a <br />contract cost of FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 <br />DOLLARS ($5,361,000.00) (subject to adjustment as provided in Section 8, the “Contract Cost”). <br />(b)Upon execution of this Agreement and delivery by Customer to Ameresco of the Notice to <br />Proceed, substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Attachment E, Customer shall pay <br />Ameresco ten percent (10%) of the Contract Cost for mobilization. Thereafter, Ameresco shall submit <br />invoices to Customer for monthly progress payments to Ameresco based upon the percentage of the <br />Project construction and equipment procurement completed at the end of each month, so that <br />Ameresco is paid the percentage of the Contract Cost that is commensurate with the percentage of <br />completion of the Scope of Services. A Percent Complete Acknowledgement Certificate in the form <br />attached hereto as Attachment D (2) will be executed by Customer during each month of the <br />construction period showing the percent complete and monthly payment due. Customer shall make <br />payment to Ameresco, within thirty (30) days after the submission of each such invoice. Customer <br />shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay the execution and delivery of any Percent Complete <br />Acknowledgement Certificate. <br />(c)Upon Substantial Completion of the installation of an ECM, Ameresco will deliver to <br />Customer a Substantial Completion Certificate in the form of Attachment D (3). Within five (5) <br />calendar days after receipt of each Substantial Completion Certificate, Customer shall complete, <br />execute and deliver to Ameresco each such Substantial Completion Certificate. As used in this <br />Agreement the term “Substantial Completion” shall mean that each subject ECM has been installed <br />by Ameresco, and, if such ECM is equipment, such equipment is then operating in a manner such that <br />Customer is deriving beneficial use thereof. A Delivery and Acceptance Certificate, in the form of <br />Attachment D(1), shall be executed by Customer upon Substantial Completion of the installation of <br />the final ECM. Customer shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay the execution and <br />delivery of any Substantial Completion Certificate or the Delivery and Acceptance Certificate. <br />(d)Within thirty (30) calendar days following the first day of each Guarantee Year, as such term <br />is defined in Section 6, Customer shall pay Ameresco the additional amounts set forth on <br />Attachment I, Measurement and Verification Fee Schedule, as an annual fee for the M&V Services. <br />(e)All payments made by Customer under this Agreement shall be made in accordance with <br />the provisions of any Prompt Payment Act applicable to Customer, and subject further to the South <br />Bend Common Council’s annual appropriation as required by Indiana law . All