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I have worked in many communities and have seen the elected leadership <br /> in those other communities coming forward and embracing proposals <br /> that were much less difinitive. I can even a community of South <br /> Bend embracing a proposal for a so called "hole project" or Associates <br /> and telling me that I could not go forward on the Wyman's building <br /> because we were waiting for Associates. i do not believe a good <br /> faith effort was made to properly evaluate our proposal , and it <br /> is my considered opinion that the demolition of the Odd Fellows <br /> Building will be a sad day for the City of South Bend. <br /> Mr. Voorde: A few questions Mr. Brademas: You did not need the <br /> $200,000 for the proposal? <br /> Mr. Brademas: That is correct. <br /> Mr. Voorde: Number 2 is that you mentioned tax credit. . . is your <br /> proposal contingent upon getting the Odd Fellows Building declared <br /> an Historical landmark? <br /> Mr. Brademas: That would certainly enhance it and as the owners <br /> of that building we would certainly request it. <br /> Mr. Voorde: Is there anyone here from the Historical Preservation <br /> who would like to speak to the designation of that building as an <br /> historically significant structure? <br /> Mr. Wasielewski : We asked about two years ago to have the building <br /> declared a historical landmark. We waited to see what the developers <br /> would do with their proposals. Yes, there is no doubt that it <br /> would qualify for historical significance and it probably would <br /> qualify for the National Register at this point. They are only <br /> accepting public buildings and it is a public building. There <br /> has been a lot of controversy for a number of years on that particular <br /> building. We have had nothing but demolition from our redevelopment <br /> departments not only with the commissioners now but also in the <br /> past. It takes too long for another project to develop once <br /> demolition is done. I would like to see the City Council direct <br /> all the citizens in some manner on this issue. <br /> Mr. McGann: I think to expedite this meeting I would like to say <br /> that Mr. Brademas is telling us that he has the experience, desire, <br /> the financial resources in which to apply and develop the building. <br /> at your own risk. <br /> Mr. Brademas: Let me clarify in saying that in view of the history <br /> of this it would be necessary to have some reasonable time to put <br /> the financial pieces together because of the fluctuation of money <br /> prices. I believe I have a good chance to do that, and what I <br /> would like the Redevaelopment Commission to do is give tahe building <br /> a "Stay of Execution" of at least 90 days to give us an opportunity <br /> to do that, because TRANSPO is a long way away from doing their <br /> plans for the Transpo building. <br /> Mr . McGann: Setting aside the securing of the finances, as far <br /> as other aspects of the project, are you 100% certain that it is <br /> a financially viable project and that you would be willing to <br /> undertake? <br /> Mr. Brademas: I can tell you that in view of the history of <br /> this, that nothing motivates me more than someone to tell me that <br /> I can' t do it, and I am very motivated by what has been said <br /> about this building. Therefore, I will pledge to the Council , to <br /> the Redevelopment Commission, the staff and particularly the <br /> Mayor, that I would give my entire efforts (110%) in this 90 day <br /> reprieve to try to develop and refine a plan (particularly the <br />