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Mr. Brademas: I think the new tax law would certainly give us an <br /> upward boost. I do think it will be tough but I do believe we <br /> have a good opportunity to overcome that and in 18 months from <br /> now can have a building that everyone can be proud of, and particularly <br /> Roger Parent. <br /> Mr. Voorde: Mr. Radecki , you have been asking to speak. <br /> Mr. Radecki : The record states that on July 31 , Jon Hunt came to <br /> our board meeting and asked that a committee be set by Mr. Oxian, <br /> Gaylen Allsop, the Mayor, etc. Their initial proposal was that <br /> we would match their $200 ,000 with the original amount. Their <br /> was some concern about guaranteeing our portion ($100,000) in a <br /> two and a half million dollar project. We waited for negotiations <br /> to take place and on December 18 of the same year Mr. Alisop <br /> indicated that communications had broken down with the city. We <br /> do follow standards historically. <br /> Mr. Voorde: The chair recognizes Mr. Raker. <br /> Mr. Raker : It was brought to everyone 's attention that I have <br /> some liens against the building which involved a project that I <br /> did myself. I realized that I could not do a project by myself <br /> because of the high interest rates. I made my presentation to <br /> the Redevelopment Commission and I expressed that I was going to <br /> have a team of people who could do this project for me so that I <br /> could not get into another situation as I had done previously, <br /> and all these people were local people. I had the idea of office <br /> condominiums. They would buy their offices and then own them. <br /> The office condominium idea is new in the United States. My <br /> complaint is that the City had said that we could prove to them <br /> that we could sell them this idea and come back with 40% of the <br /> funds in a 60 to 90 day deal , then we could sell the project. <br /> Since no advertising is allowed, I went door to door to visit <br /> executives in this area and a lot of offices I was unable to be <br /> received, but I brought back letters for funding of 60% of the <br /> building, which proved that 60% of the people had intent on purchasing <br /> a portion of the building space. It was because of this interest <br /> that I felt I could go forward on this project. At one time <br /> earlier in a meeting held by the Redevelopment Commission that <br /> $200,000 was not available for use, and I assumed that it was <br /> federal money. I felt that I could go ahead without that money <br /> because I had $150 ,000 but was told that it was not enough. Rehabing <br /> a 50 year old building, the new tax laws that take effect the <br /> first year, the 15 year accellerated depreciation, and your 20% <br /> dollar for dollar in tax credit return for the first year is <br /> really something that people really look at; it makes it really <br /> lucrative. <br /> Mr. Voorde: Mr. Raker I hate to interrupt but you are in areas <br /> that we are unfamiliar with, but Mr. McMahon has already explained <br /> to us, and that your proposal was the most intriguing in concept <br /> and had the sole negotiating posture with the redevelopment commission, <br /> but at some point in time, for your failure to do things in a <br /> timely manner, your proposal was ultimately washed out. Conceptually <br /> it may have been good but you must realize this. <br /> Mr. Raker : I think that when you are puttting these kind of <br /> packages together you don' t use your own money, and you can' t put <br /> together a two and a half million dollar project in two weeks. I <br /> know I had ample time from my original conception up to when I <br /> was supposed to come up with money. Through some friends I found <br /> out that the proposals had been denied for rehabbing the Odd <br /> Fellows Building, and that it would be demolished (would be acceptina <br />