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Mr . McGann: I would maybe preface this by referrng to the letter <br /> I sent to Mr. Nimtz last Monday, asking that this meeting be held <br /> as to what we have received in progress reports concerning the <br /> Odd Fellows Building, and were now receiving conflicting information <br /> that there were people who were willing to finance the building <br /> and did have financial resources, etc. , and that I thought before <br /> any final word was made on the building, or that the building was <br /> finally demolished, leave room for Monday morning criticism that <br /> we should meet formally to clear the air tocome to some sort of <br /> resolution maybe in a difference of opinion on what took place. <br /> I would like to mention in addition to to Mr. Brademas and Mr. <br /> Raker I did receive a letter last Friday from Mr. Bruce Bancroft <br /> and since he is representing another potential developer , Marvin <br /> J. Reed, still expressing some interest in developing the Odd <br /> Fellows Building. <br /> Mr. Voorde: If there were any viable rehab proposals that were <br /> rejected, I guess we would ask the indulgence of Mr. McMahon and <br /> Mr. Nimtz to explain why perhaps or how did we get to where we <br /> are and basically to clear the air. <br /> Mr. Butler suggested that the developers state verbally that they <br /> waiver their rights. At this time, Mr. Brademas made a statement <br /> and Mr. Raker followed. <br /> Mr . Voorde: I think it might be appropriate to ask Mr. Brademas <br /> first to tell us why he had prompted the meeting. <br /> Mr. Brademas: Mr. Chairman, and members of the Council , I have <br /> just been handed by a friend of mine a letter dated November 20 , <br /> 1981 by I assume Mr. Kevin Horton, indicating an evaluation criteria <br /> for the Odd Fellows proposal. In terms of proposed reuse we <br /> think we have a feeling of what the uses of market are. I hold a <br /> Masters Degree in City planning, have done city planning for <br /> quite a number of years, and quite successfully. As a result, <br /> when I come into a community, especially my own home community I <br /> think I have a good feel for it. My assessment of the market <br /> potential and uses for that building were fully supported by the <br /> American Cities Corporation (Rouse Report) . In terms of the <br /> reuse we proposed essentially that the bottom of the basement of <br /> the building would be used by the Hacienda restaurant and at one <br /> time there was a restaurant there by Hacienda. They gave us a <br /> commitment to build a restaurant in the building. The Rouse <br /> report suggested the need for that kind of use in the downtown <br /> area. We had the Bookworld as some tenants in which they wanted <br /> half of the building and the Hacienda would have the other half. <br /> The ninth and tenth floors (the Hacienda) agreed to take it over <br /> and make it into a fine restaurant type lounge. Restoration is <br /> our business, and we know what it takes in the way of equipment <br /> and in fixturiz-ing it, etc. We went out and did our own survey <br /> and got very scientific results. What we did was to send letters <br /> to the types of peole who we felt would have an affinity for the <br /> location and I asked them about office building , and went on to <br /> indicate to them what we proposed to do and for them to indicate <br /> their interest. We got an indication written, and when people <br /> write back to you that usually indicates that they are more than <br /> casually interested. Is there any question in the minds of the <br /> council and the committee that we did not do our homework in <br /> terms of proposed reuse and have a viable plan for the plans in <br /> terms of reuse for the building, and if there is I would like for <br /> you to tell me. <br /> Mr. McGann: The uses you have mentioned, now what percentage of <br /> the commitments and total square footage do you have? <br />