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Honeywell Groundwater Remediation Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit page 18 of 39 <br />6. Administrative Enforcement <br /> <br />a. Any permittee found in violation of any applicable local, state, federal law, City of <br />South Bend Municipal Code Chapter 17, or any conditions within this permit will be <br />subject to Administrative Enforcement Action in accordance with the Enforcement <br />Response Plan (ERP) provided in Attachment 2 to this permit. <br /> <br />7. Penalties for False Reporting <br /> <br />a. Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation or certification <br />in any application, record, report, plan or other document filed or required to be <br />maintained pursuant to this permit, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly <br />renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this permit, shall <br />be subject to administrative fines of not more than $2500 per day per violation and/or <br />civil litigation and/or fines and imprisonment upon criminal conviction. <br /> <br />8. Penalties for Violation of Pretreatment Standards <br /> <br />a. Any permittee found in violation of Pretreatment Standards and Requirements (40 <br />CFR 403), the City of South Bend Municipal Code, or this industrial wastewater <br />discharge permit issued by the City of South Bend and any applicable compliance <br />schedules, shall be subject to administrative fines of not more than $2500 per day per <br />violation and/or civil litigation and/or fines and imprisonment upon criminal <br />conviction. <br /> <br />9. Revocation of Permit <br /> <br />a. The Director may revoke an individual wastewater discharge permit for good cause, <br />which shall be subject to appeal under Article 2, Chapter 17, Subsection 17-11(c) of <br />the South Bend Municipal Code, but the effectiveness of revocation shall not be stayed <br />pending administrative appeal. Reasons for permit revocation by the Director include, <br />but are not limited to the following: <br /> <br />i. Failure to notify the Director of significant changes to the wastewater prior to <br />the changed discharge; <br />ii. Failure to provide prior notification to the Director of changed conditions <br />pursuant to Article 2, Chapter 17, Subsection17-10(o)(5); <br />iii. Misrepresentation or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater <br />discharge permit application; <br />iv. Falsifying periodic compliance reports and certification statements; <br />v. Tampering with monitoring equipment; <br />vi. Refusing to allow the Director timely access to the facility premises and records; <br />vii. Failure to meet effluent limitations; <br />viii. Failure to pay fines; <br />ix. Failure to pay sewer charges;