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Honeywell Groundwater Remediation Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit page 4 of 39 <br /> <br />The following parameters shall be monitored at sample site 003C00175 with the methods and at the frequency stated <br />below: <br />Parameter Sampling Frequency Sampling Type <br />Flow, Monthly (gal) Monthly Continuously <br />Total Oil and Grease (mg/L) SemiAnnual Grab <br />Oil and Grease TPH (mg/L) SemiAnnual Grab <br />pH (SU) SemiAnnual Grab <br />Ammonia, nitrogen (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Arsenic (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />BOD5 (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Cadmium (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Chromium (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Closed Cup Flashpoint (Degrees F) Once per Permit Cycle Grab <br />Copper (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Cyanide (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Grab <br />Lead (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Mercury (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Grab <br />Nickel (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Organic Priority Pollutants (ug/L) Once per Permit Cycle Grab <br />Phosphorus (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Silver (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />TSS (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br />Zinc (mg/L) Once per Permit Cycle Composite <br /> <br />A. Monitoring Definitions <br /> <br />1. Composite – Samples are obtained through flow-proportional sampling technique over a 24-hour <br />period or for the duration of discharge within the 24-hour sampling period, including multiple <br />batches of wastewater. If the permittee demonstrates that time-proportional sampling is accurate <br />or as representative as flow-proportional sampling, then a time-proportional sample may be <br />collected. <br /> <br />a. If the permittee chooses to demonstrate that time-proportional sampling is accurate or as <br />representative as flow-proportional sampling, the permittee must submit a request, which <br />includes the certification statement found in Part III (A) (4) signed by the Authorized <br />Representative [see Part IV (B) (15)], within 120 days of the effective date of this permit <br />or they shall commence flow-proportional sampling at that time. Request to conduct <br />time-proportional sampling is subject to the Control Authority approval.