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<br /> <br />Page 4 of 20 <br />3.1.3. The final cost for the Associated Work shall be based on the final amount paid for <br />the Associated Work, including any amounts paid for approved change orders <br />relating to the Associated Work; to the extent the actual cost of the Associated <br />Work exceeds the amount paid by the CITY to INDOT, the CITY shall pay the <br />remaining balance within thirty (30) days of the CITY receiving notice of the <br />additional amount owed. <br /> <br />3.1.4. INDOT shall provide the City a request for a change order before a change order <br />related to the Associated Work is approved. The City shall provide INDOT a <br />response to a request for a change order related to the Associated Work within three <br />(3) business days. <br /> <br />3.2. Project Responsibilities. <br /> <br />3.2.1. The CITY shall cooperate with INDOT as needed to ensure successful completion <br />of the project. <br /> <br />3.2.2. The CITY shall be responsible for preparing plans and specifications for the <br />Associated Work in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local <br />standards, requirements and best practices. <br /> <br />3.2.3. INDOT and the CITY shall conduct a final walk through of the Associated Work <br />at the end of construction prior to the City accepting the Associated Work. <br /> <br />3.2.4. The CITY agrees to accept the Associated Work as full, complete and adequate <br />satisfaction for any and all claims and damages due the City, and its assigns, caused <br />by or arising out of the design or construction of the Associated Work. The CITY <br />and its assigns covenant that in accepting the Associated Work and conditions, it <br />forever relinquishes all future claims and legal rights they may have in regard to <br />and arising out of the Associated Work and agrees to save and hold harmless the <br />State of Indiana from same. <br /> <br />3.3. Future Maintenance. The CITY shall be solely responsible for future maintenance and <br />maintenance costs of the Associated Work, its infrastructures, and improvements, as well as any <br />utility costs related to the maintenance including but not limited to water and electricity. If the <br />CITY fails to maintain the Associated Work, the CITY shall be solely responsible for future <br />maintenance and maintenance costs of the Associated Work, its infrastructures, and improvements, <br />as well as any utility costs related to the maintenance including but not limited to water and <br />electricity. If the CITY fails to maintain the Associated Work and INDOT must perform <br />maintenance on the Associated Work, any work completed will be done to INDOT' s specifications <br />and all costs will be the responsibility of the CITY. For any future INDOT projects at this location, <br />where construction will impact the Associated Work, if the CITY seeks for the Associated Work <br />to be maintained, the CITY shall be responsible for the costs related specifically to the Associated <br />Work pursuant to the same terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />