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STRM-03R 102+00103+00104+00105+00106+00107+00109+00110+00 <br />111+00112+00108+00DOGPARK <br />Do Not Clear Treesor Shrubs on theseparking lot islands. <br />Trimming is preferred to clearing trees on thewest-side of the multi-use trail. Minimizeimpacts to trees and do not remove stumpsalong the river bank. Trim to a height of20-ft for construction access. <br />Protect curbs and sidewalks with timbersand mats if crossing withtree clearing equipment or vehicles. <br />All cut trees, brush, and woodchip piles much be removedfrom the Project area, and disposedof properly at an approved off-sitelocation. Tree removals to beinspected by City and selectedfor either grinding or stump removal. <br />No stump removal along bankof the St. Joseph River. <br />Trees and woody vegetation w ill be removed permanently from a10-ft-wide area over the Project centerline, and this area will bekept clear of any woody vegetation. Tree and woody vegetationclearing outside of the 10-ft-wide area over the centerline will onlybe temporary for construction access.Sai <br />nt <br />JosephRi <br />verNRiversideN Ni <br />l <br />esN HillE Hammond <br />E Ba rtle tt <br />E Navarre E Crescent35 <br />34 <br />36 <br />33 <br />32 <br />Map 6 <br />Map 4 <br />12 3 45678 <br />NAD 1983 StatePlane Indiana East FIPS 1301 FeetProjection: Transverse MercatorDatum: North American 1983 <br />Date: 4/9/2021 <br />Author: DHB <br />Prj: Muessel Station, 144793, P15081001, Colfax, IN <br />Proposed Transmission Line <br />Project Work Area <br />Street <br />Tree Clearing Note <br />HDD Work A rea <br />Vault <br />Delineated Perennial Stream/Bank <br />Parcel Boundary <br />Surveyed Tree (DBH >=5) <br /> <br />Map 5 of 8 <br />State of IndianaSt. Joseph CountyPortage Township <br />1 " = 100 ' <br />0 50 100 <br />FeetDocument Path: H:\144793_Muessel_Stn_P15081001\GIS\TREECLR_PWR144793_Muessel_Stn_STP15081008_MapTiles2400_11x17L_20210406.mxdMuessel-Colfax 69kV U/G ProjectPhase II <br />Exhibit D - City Tree Clearing <br />Tree Survey Area for License Area (City Owned) <br />EXHIBIT D -Page 6 of 9