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r.nN_cTwir,Tw <br />100% Quality <br />100% Employee Owned Over 100 Years <br />5.3.7 Failing to take or declining to take a second test as required by this policy or DOT regulations. <br />_.5-.3.8._Failure to cooperate with Any_part of the testing process _and/or conduct that would obstruct the proper <br />administration of a test (e.g., refusing to empty pockets when so directed by the collector; behave "in -a <br />confrontational way that disrupts the collection process). <br />5.3.9 Refusing to sign Step 2 of the Alcohol Testing Form as found in Appendix 6 to 49CFR Part 40. <br />5.3.10 A report from the MRO that you have a verified adulterated or substituted test result. <br />5.3.11 For an observed collection, failure to follow the observer's instruction to raise your clothing above the <br />waist, lower clothing and underpants, and to turn around to permit the observer to determine if you have any type <br />of prosthetic or other device that could be used to interfere with the collection process. <br />5.3.12 Possess or wear a prosthetic or other device that could be used to interfere with the collectionprocess. <br />5.3.13 Admission to the collector or MRO by the employee that they adulterated or substituted their specimen. <br />5.4 Types of Tests There are seven (7) circumstances for drug and alcohol testing: <br />• Pre -employment testing; <br />-.Random testing; <br />• Post -accident testing - - - - - - <br />• Reasonable suspicion testing, <br />• Return -to -duty testing; <br />• Follow -tap testing; and <br />• Dilute retesting. <br />5.5 Pre -employment Testing After a job offer has been extended, all ESOP and non -union job applicants must <br />submit to a urine drug test. Applicants, ESOP, non -union and -union ion employees who are required to have or obtain a <br />CDL license in order to drive a CMV for Rieth-Riley must submit to a urine drug and alcohol test unless a qualifying <br />pre -employment exemption can be documented. <br />5.5.1 A qualifying pre -employment exemption will be granted if satisfactory documentation demonstrating <br />that he/she has participated in a controlled substances testing program within the last thirty (30) days and the <br />applicant, while participating in that program, was either tested in the last six (6) months or was subject <br />to a random testing program for the last twelve (12) month period. <br />5.6 Random TestinjZ <br />5.6.1 ESOP and Non -Union Employees Rieth-Riley conducts random drug testing with the assistance and <br />coordination of a third -party service agent. The random selection system provides an equal chance for each Area <br />employee to be selected each time random selection occurs. All employees are subject to annual random drug <br />testing; in addition, at least two percent (2%) of the employees subject to testing must be randomly tested each <br />month. Random selections will be reasonably spread throughout the year. Random selection, by its very nature, <br />may result in employees being selected for random testing more than once a calendar year. Once the MRO <br />advises the HRD of the names (ESOP and non -union employees) selected for the random test: <br />A. The HRD will notify the Office Manager and Group or Area Manager of the selection. Such notification <br />shall not occur more than hventy four 04) hours in advance of the scheduled date of testing. <br />B. The HRD will provide the names of the employees to be tested to the Office Manager and Group or <br />Area Manager <br />C. It is the Office lanagerand Group or Area Manager's responsibility to ensure that the employees <br />assigned to tlhe Area report to the collection site at the scheduled time. <br />D. The HRD must approve exceptions to the testing schedule. <br />E. The MRO will contact the t= with employee names not tested. If an employee does not go to the <br />HAD, such failure niay he considered a refusal to test and will he dealt with in accordance with <br />Paragraph 5.3. <br />5.6.2 CMV Drivers (Whether ESOP, Non -Union or Union) <br />Rieth-Riley conducts random drug and alcohol testing in accordance with the applicable regulations. Rieth-Riley <br />will submit the names of all employees who have a CDL and who drive a CMV as part of their job description <br />("CNN Drivers") to a random selection system. The random selection system provides an equal chance for each <br />employee to be selected each time random selection occurs. Random selections will be reasonably spread <br />throughout the year. Rieth-Riley will drug test, at a minimum, fifty percent (50%) of the average number of CMV <br />Drivers in each calendar year or at a rate established by the DOT for the given year. Rieth-Riley will select, at a <br />minimum, ten percent (10%) of the average number of CMV Drivers in each calendar year for random alcohol <br />testing, or at the rate established by the DOT for the given year. Random selection by its very nature may result <br />in employees being selected for random testing more than once a calendar year. <br />If a CMV Driver is selected at random, for either drug or alcohol testing, a Company official will notify the <br />employee. Once notified, the employee must proceed to the designated collection site immediately. If the <br />employee does not go to the collection site as soon as possible after notification, such conduct may he <br />considered a refusal to test rind will be dealt with in accordance with Paragraph 5.3. <br />5.6.3 Union Employees If Paragraph 5.6.2 is not applicable and there is no applicable CBAdrug and alcohol <br />