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w-M-ILEY CONSTRUCTION CD.. INC. <br />100%+qualify * 100% Employee Awned a Over 100 Years <br />5.1 Prohibited Conduct - The following shall be considered "prohibited conduct" for purposes of this policy: <br />5.1.1 No employee shall report, perform duties within the scope of his/her employment or remain at work <br />while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, nor may such employee possess, use, or distribute alcohol or <br />illegal drugs (including marijuana) while at work. <br />5.1.2 With respect to safety -sensitive functions, no employee shall report for duty or remain on duty requiring <br />the performance of safety -sensitive fiinctions while having an alcohol concentration greater than those limits <br />specified and as set forth in Section 4.1 herein. An employee is considered to be performing a safety -sensitive <br />f tnction if he/she is actually performing, ready to perform or immediately available to perform any of <br />the following functions: <br />A. All time spent at facility waiting to be dispatched; <br />B. All time inspecting, servicing or operating any CMV at any time; <br />C. All driving time or time spent at the driving controls of any CW in operation; <br />D. All time spent loading or unloading a vehicle, supervising, or assisting in the loading or unloading, <br />attending a vehicle being loaded or unloaded, including completion W any related paperwork; and <br />remaining in readiness to operate the vehicle; <br />E. All time performing those duties required of an employee involved in a vehicle accident, or <br />F. All time spent repairing, assisting, or attending to a disabled motor vehicle. <br />5.1.3 No employee shall be on duty or operate a CMV while the <br />employee possesses or is under the influence of alcohol. <br />5.1.4 No employee shall use alcohol while performing safety -sensitive functions. <br />5.1.5 No employee shall perform safety -sensitive functions within four (4) hours after using alcohol. <br />5.1.6 No employee required to take a- post -accident test shall use alcohol for eight (8) hours following the <br />accident or until he or she undergoes a post -accident test, whichever occurs first. <br />5.1.7 No employee shall refuse to submit to a post -accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return -to -dotty, dilute <br />or follow-up alcohol or drug test. If, however, an employee is screened per the terms of Rieth-Riley's Post Event <br />Drug and Alcohol Screening Policy and the result is negative, then the employee will not be required to submit <br />to the test prescribed hereunder post -accident. <br />5.2 Prescription Medication and/or Other Medication Use <br />5.2.1 An employee is prohibited from reporting for duty or remaining on duty when the employee uses or is <br />under the influence of any medication. As stated above, the use (on or off duty) of marijuana, even if for medical <br />purposes, is prohibited under Rieth-Riley's policy. <br />5.2.2 Any employee who is using a prescribed drug, or over-the-counter medication, which is known <br />or advertised as possibly affecting or impairing . judgment, coordination or other senses, (including <br />tD <br />dizziness or drowsiness), or which may adversely affect the employee's ability to perform work in a safe and <br />productive manner, must notify the Company prior to starting work or entering any Company premises. This <br />requirement does not apply if the medication use is pursuant to prescription or written instruction of a physician <br />(for over-the-counter medication) who has advised the employee that the substance will not adversely affect <br />their ability to safely perform their duties. The Company will engage in a fact -based individualized assessment <br />to determine if the employee can remain at work or on the Company premises and what work restrictions, if <br />any, are deemed necessarythat could allowthe employee to safely and effectively performbis or her work. <br />5.2.3 Ingestion of products that contain hemp will not be an acceptable explanation for testing positive <br />for manj uana. <br />5.2.4 The production of a state -issued medical marijuana card or similar certification will not be acceptable <br />explanation for testing positive for marijuana. <br />5.2.5 The use of products which contain cannabidiol (CBD) will not be an acceptable explanation for testing <br />positive for marijuana. <br />5.3 Refusal to Test Refusal to submit to the types of drug and alcohol tests employed by the Company will be <br />grounds for refusal to hire employee/applicant(s) and to discipline existing employee(s) up to and including <br />termination. A refusal to test would include any of the following situations: <br />5.3.1 Failing to appear for any test within a reasonable time after being directed to do so. <br />5.3.2 Failing to remain at the testing site until the testing process is completed. <br />5.3.3 Failure to provide a breath sample, saliva sample or urine sample as directed or in some isolated cases, <br />a sample as directed by the third -party service agent. <br />5.3.4 Failure to permit, if the situation requires, the observation or monitoring of providing a urine specimen. <br />5.3.5 Failure to provide a specimen, as directed, within required time frames may be considered a refusal. If an <br />employee cannot provide a sufficient quantity of Lime or breath, he/she will be directed to be evaluated by a <br />physician of the Company's choice. If the physician cannot find a legitimate medical explanation_for the inability <br />to provide a specimen, (either breath or urine), it will be considered a refusal to test. <br />5.3.6 Failure to undergo a medical examination or evaluation as directed by the MRO as part of the verification <br />process, or as directed by the DER as part of a "shy bladder" or "insufficient breath" situation. <br />