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Is the event ticketed or include fees? ❑ Yes� NNo If yes, list fees and fee groups below: <br />Does the event have any partnered sponsorships? ❑■ Yes ❑ No <br />If yes, list the number of sponsors at each level of partnered sponsorship: <br />AEP Foundation, Visit South Bend Mishawaka, U93, Transpo, South Bend Orthopaedics <br />Is this a returning special event or part of a series of special events? D Yes ❑ No <br />If yes, provide the date, location, and attendance of past special events and/or future planned events in the <br />series: <br />First Fridays have been taking place for over 10 years. We typically have anywhere from <br />1,000 to 15,000 at our First Fridays, but we anticipate to be on the smaller end of attendance <br />due to the pandemic. We will continue to work closely with the health department and will <br />follow COVID guidelines as per max attendance, mask usage, etc. <br />If your event is a parade, race, or other processional -type event, please complete Section C. Otherwise, <br />continue to Section D. <br />Section C - Parades Races and other Processional Events <br />What is the estimated number of parade/race spectators on the proposed route? <br />Describe any sound equipment that will be used in the parade/race: <br />