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Studebaker Fountain Water Service Modifications <br />February 19, 2021 <br />Page 1 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br />February 19, 2021 <br /> <br /> <br />Venues Parks and Arts <br />219 South St. Louis Boulevard <br />South Bend, 46601 <br /> <br />Attention: Mr. John Martinez, Venues Parks and Arts. <br /> <br /> <br />RE: PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVCIES FOR THE STUDEBAKER FOUNTAIN WATER <br />SERVICE MODIFICATIONS IN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br /> <br />Dear John: <br /> <br />Thank you for contacting Jones Petrie Rafinski (JPR) regarding the above referenced project. We have <br />appreciated being able to be of service to you in the past and hope to be afforded the opportunity to <br />provide you with our services for this project. <br /> <br />UNDERSTANDING OF THE ASSIGNMENT <br /> <br />The Studebaker Fountain was recently installed within the west Leeper Park area just south of Riverside <br />Drive and west of Michigan Street. The water for this fountain is being fed directly from the City of South <br />Bend municipal water. After the first season of running, mineral buildup on the fountain has taken place <br />due to the composition of the water and this has created significant concerns. It is the desire of the City <br />and Studebaker Fountain Committee to filter the incoming water before it is run through the fountain. <br /> <br />Based on previous discussions, it is thought that the desired filtration equipment should be placed within <br />the existing municipal water pump house located approximately 250’ southeast of where the fountain is <br />located. The City and Committee have conducted research on what type of equipment should be used to <br />filter the water and has received quotes from various companies for the desired equipment. This <br />information has been provided to JPR and will be utilized during the design process. <br /> <br />It is understood that they City of South Bend may have existing topographic survey of this area and will <br />be provided to JPR for use in the development of the needed drawings. <br /> <br />The City anticipates that this project will be sent out as a quote package due to preliminary cost <br />estimates. <br /> <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Task 1 – Design Services: <br />JPR will provide the following services for this project: <br />1. JPR will attend a project Kick-Off meeting to discuss the project planning and design goals, During <br />this meeting, JPR will conduct a walkthrough of the existing pump house to evaluate the existing <br />conditions and to determine the most appropriate location for the proposed water filtration equipment.