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Studebaker Fountain Water Service Modifications <br />February 19, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />2. JPR will utilize existing topographic survey information, provided by the City, to prepare a base plan <br />that will be used for the development of the construction documents and quote package. <br />3. JPR will coordinate with City staff and Water Department to determine if a new water service tap near <br />the pump house is possible or where the closest tap can be placed. <br />4. JPR will prepare the necessary plan sheets that show the location of a possible water service tap, <br />extension of this new water line into the pump house, new filtration equipment and then the water <br />service feed to the fountain. <br />5. JPR will also review the existing pump house building to see if a heating system is possible and to <br />determine if insulation of this room is needed. JPR will coordinate with possible equipment providers <br />to determine capabilities of full winterization. <br />6. JPR will prepare the necessary quote package documentation will includes Construction Document, <br />and Special Provisions. <br /> <br />Task 2 - Bidding and Negotiation <br />A. Upon receiving the City’s approval of the Construction Document and Specifications, the JPR <br />team shall provide the following Bidding and Negotiation services: <br />1) Prepare a Notice to Bidders. <br />2) Address Contractor questions and Request for Information. <br />3) Provide design addendums as necessary. <br />4) JPR will attend one (1) prebid and one (1) quote opening meeting. <br />5) Review quotes and make recommendations to the Client regarding awarding the project. <br /> <br />A1.01 Construction Administration: <br />A. Periodic reviews of site construction will be completed to ensure the Contractor(s) is providing the <br />level of quality that is required for the project. The Construction Administration services will <br />include: <br />1) Reviews of site construction will be completed to ensure the Contractor(s) is providing the <br />level of quality that is required for the project; <br />2) Based upon the on-site observations and evaluations of the Contractor’s Applications for <br />Payment, assistance to the Client will be provided to determine the amounts due to the <br />Contractor; <br />3) JPR will provide clarification/interpretations of the Contract Documents if such <br />interpretations are necessary for the proper execution or progress of work; <br />4) JPR shall render written recommendations on claims, disputes and other matters in <br />question between the Owner and Contractor relating to the execution or progress of the <br />project as provided by the Contract Documents; <br />5) Review and approve, or take other appropriate action and forward to the Client for final <br />disposition, the Contractor’s submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and <br />Samples with respect to Contract Documents produced by JPR; <br />6) Prepare responses to Request for Information (RFI) provided by the Contractor; <br />7) Prepare Change Orders for the Owner’s approval and execution; <br />8) Provide field reports describing observations, problems and recommended solutions; <br />9) Provide punch lists based on site observations; <br />10) Conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the <br />date of Final Completion; <br />11) Review and approve, or take other appropriate action on, the Contractor’s list of items to <br />be completed or corrected. <br />