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Exhibit B: Lead Hazard Reduction Program — Non -Collusion Affidavit <br />Whew the prospecmr Contractor is useable to ce7TO, to ant of the statements belox, rt shall attach an a Wanation to this .f'fdadt. <br />CO'STR..kCTOR'S NON -C OLLt•SiON k% -D NON-DEB_kK11F_N-T IMANTT. <br />C ERTMC ATION REGARDING MTSTIIE-N-T XI ITH iR�ti, EMPLOI IE'ST ELIGIBILiTI' <br />N-ERIFIC TION, NO`-DISC'RL\HN ITIOti CO_ MTNIENT AND CERTIFIC ATION OF t'SE <br />OF UINTFED STATES .STEEL PRODUCTS OR FOUNDRY PRODUCTS <br />STATE OF <br />(Must be completed for all quotes and bids. Please type or print) <br />C OUB TTI" <br />The`ed Consractoa. beme du -y -wom upon hu her tti oatE afm. under the penaltie- of peijur�, that. <br />1 Contractor has not_ nor has any other member_ representative. or agent of the firm <br />company. corporation or partnerslvp represented by hini entered into any combination. collusion <br />or agreement with any person relanve to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to <br />prevent any person from bidding nor to induce anyone to refrain from bidding. and that this bid <br />is made without reference to an-,- other bid and without an�� agreement ~ understandine or <br />combination with ani• other person in reference to such bidding_Contractor ftuther says that no <br />person or persons, firms. or corporation has. have or will receive directly or indirectly. auy <br />rebate. fee. c-ift. coninussion or thinE of value on account of such sale- and <br />Contractor certifies b-,- submission of this proposal that neither contractor nor any of its <br />principals are presently debarred. suspended. proposed for debarment. declared ineligible. or <br />voluntarily excluded from pamcipation in this traw. action by any Federal department or agency: <br />and <br />3. Contractor ha. not, nor hai any mcces-or to. nor an agate of; Contractor. eneaged L <br />im•: estnent acts hies in Iran. <br />a. For purposes of this Ceaufication. `Iran.-- meati: the government of Iran ani any agency or <br />m.trume=aliry of Iran. or as otherwise defined at Ind Code 5-22-16.5-5- as amended from: <br />time-to-�me. <br />b. A. pro;zded by Ird. Code 5-22-16.5-S, as amended from tune -to -tittle. a C outractor i. <br />engaged in m:•e,tment actnities m Iraq if either: <br />i Contractor. its .ucce-sor or it; affivate. prai-tde, goad:. or-er:z.e. of ficre�.- million <br />dollars (S_10,000.000) or more m r=.1ue m the emern, sector of La: _ or <br />u Conti -actor. its successor or its affiliate. i. a financial tn:,ntution that em -tend: Ment <br />million dollar. "S_"(G.000.000) or more in credit to another person for forty-five (45) <br />da-.-. or more. Lf that per on will (i) use the credit to prmades goods and .er.-ices in <br />N= _aihi_=Nm-Lsi=a=xxc.Edrit'inzT=F� <br />