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June 20, 2013 <br />To: Midland Engineering Co. <br />Attn: Ken Sage Nsw <br />52369 S.R. 933 N. -NILES <br />South Bend, IN 46637 STEEL <br />From: Jeremy D. Waller T <br />ANK <br />Director of Operations snra,asa <br />Niles Steel Tams Company (NST) <br />1701-A Ternninal Rd, <br />Niles, MI 49120 <br />Dear Mr. Sage, <br />I am writing this letter with inspect to the work that has been completed by Midland Lingineoring Company <br />on the NST faoility at tate address listed above. Our current facility was constructed in 1969 and liar gone <br />through many upgrades and revisions since its inception. Of the 100,000 square feet of manufacturing area <br />we c=ndy have tinder roof all has been through its share of upgrades, All of this except, of course, the <br />roofing system, <br />We began the task of completing the new roof with Midland Engineering Company in 2011 and as of this <br />letter date we are finally finished with all renovations to the roofing system I will say that Midland <br />En&ocring Company has been one of the best partners I have been Involved with on such a large scale, <br />and long term, project. <br />I would like to cominend Midland Engineering Company on its communication skills, I was aware of <br />every aspect of this prosect from start to finish and truly felt comfortable with each step of the process. From <br />the office personnel to the field technicians, It was truly demonstrated that Midland has not only the <br />experience and quality to complete the jobs on time, but to keep all key personnel involved through the <br />entirety of the project. All personnel I have had contact with at Midland were kind, informative, <br />professional and extremely knowledgeable. <br />Mr, Sage, thank you for assisting NST with our roofing system upgrade and feel free to utilize we as a <br />reference anytime, It was a pleasure pad nering with Midland Engineering Company and we'll look to you <br />again when the need arises. <br />Most Sineerely, <br />Jeremy D. Waller <br />Director of Operations/Quality Control Manager <br />Niles Steel Tank Company <br />ASUBS myOF . ootw <br />1701-A Termhial R(L - P.O Box 728 • Niles, Mfebigars 49120, 269.683.1.910 , rstx 269,683,1953. WRWrr '? <br />